8006 words
40 minutes
The Stonecutter's Journey
Vocabulary List
하다Adjective Suffix Elementary
마을Common Noun Elementary
이다Copula Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
사람Common Noun Elementary
살다Verb Elementary
있다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
Pronoun Elementary
매일General Adverb Elementary
열심히General Adverb Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
하다Verb Suffix Elementary
General Adverb Elementary
많다Adjective Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
가지다Verb Elementary
어느Determiner Elementary
저녁Common Noun Elementary
오래General Adverb Elementary
되다Verb Suffix Elementary
나무Common Noun Elementary
아래Common Noun Elementary
쉬다Verb Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
사이Common Noun Elementary
목소리Common Noun Elementary
그것Pronoun Elementary
되다Adjective Suffix Elementary
원하다Verb Elementary
무엇Pronoun Elementary
변하다Verb Elementary
Dependent Noun Elementary
있다Adjective Elementary
주다Verb Elementary
하다Verb Elementary
시간Common Noun Elementary
있다Verb Elementary
Determiner Elementary
Determiner Elementary
Dependent Noun Elementary
부자Common Noun Elementary
되다Verb Elementary
Dependent Noun Elementary
다음Common Noun Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
아침Common Noun Elementary
크다Adjective Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
새롭다Adjective Elementary
즐기다Verb Elementary
가다Verb Elementary
General Adverb Elementary
행사Common Noun Elementary
보다Verb Elementary
느끼다Verb Elementary
받다Verb Elementary
하지만Conjunctive Adverb Elementary
General Adverb Elementary
못하다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
마음Common Noun Elementary
시작Common Noun Elementary
자신Common Noun Elementary
작다Adjective Elementary
지다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
생각Common Noun Elementary
세상Common Noun Elementary
모든Determiner Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
그러나Conjunctive Adverb Elementary
길다Adjective Elementary
구름Common Noun Elementary
하늘Common Noun Elementary
지나다Verb Elementary
약하다Adjective Elementary
만들다Verb Elementary
단순Common Noun Elementary
어떻다Adjective Elementary
결심Common Noun Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
내리다Verb Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
바람Common Noun Elementary
버리다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
어렵다Adjective Elementary
강하다Adjective Elementary
지나가다Verb Elementary
뽑다Verb Elementary
즐거워하다Verb Elementary
움직이다Verb Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
서다Verb Elementary
점점General Adverb Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
익숙하다Adjective Elementary
소리Common Noun Elementary
듣다Verb Elementary
Determiner Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
천천히General Adverb Elementary
깎다Verb Elementary
고요Common Noun Intermediate
성실Common Noun Intermediate
다듬다Verb Intermediate
Conjunctive Particle Intermediate
Common Noun Intermediate
부러워하다Verb Intermediate
나뭇잎Common Noun Intermediate
신비Common Noun Intermediate
들려오다Verb Intermediate
Common Noun Intermediate
영혼Common Noun Intermediate
Common Noun Intermediate
줄어들다Verb Intermediate
조건Common Noun Intermediate
제안Common Noun Intermediate
받아들이다Verb Intermediate
소원Common Noun Intermediate
깨어나다Verb Intermediate
비록General Adverb Intermediate
만족Common Noun Intermediate
지도자Common Noun Intermediate
멋지다Adjective Intermediate
질투Common Noun Intermediate
영향력Common Noun Intermediate
존경Common Noun Intermediate
괴롭히다Verb Intermediate
태양Common Noun Intermediate
엄청나다Adjective Intermediate
실망Common Noun Intermediate
Common Noun Intermediate
비추다Verb Intermediate
영향Common Noun Intermediate
미치다Verb Intermediate
여기다Verb Intermediate
승리Common Noun Intermediate
않다Auxiliary Verb Intermediate
진정하다Adjective Intermediate
자랑스럽다Adjective Intermediate
가리다Verb Intermediate
불어오다Verb Intermediate
날리다Verb Intermediate
사라지다Verb Intermediate
조절Common Noun Intermediate
상태Common Noun Intermediate
깨닫다Verb Intermediate
부딪히다Verb Intermediate
절망Common Noun Intermediate
정말로General Adverb Intermediate
확신Common Noun Intermediate
단단하다Adjective Intermediate
영원히General Adverb Intermediate
고요한 quiet 마을에는 in the village 타로라는 named Taro 성실한 diligent 돌을 stone 다듬는 shaping 사람이 person 살고 living 있었습니다. was
In a quiet village, there lived a diligent stone carver named Taro.
그는 he 매일 every day 열심히 diligently 일했지만, worked but more 많은 much 힘과 power and 부를 wealth 가진 possessed 사람들을 people 부러워했습니다. envied
He worked diligently every day, but envied those with more power and wealth.
어느 one 저녁, evening 그는 he 오래된 old 나무 tree 아래에서 under 쉬고 resting 있을 was 때, time 나뭇잎 leaf 사이로 through 신비한 mysterious 목소리가 voice 들려왔습니다. was heard
One evening, while he was resting under an old tree, he heard a mysterious voice through the leaves.
그것은 that 숲의 forest's 오래된 old 영혼의 spirit's 목소리였고, voice was and 타로에게 to Taro 원하는 wants 무엇이든 anything 변할 to change way 있는 exists 힘을 power 주겠다고 would give 했습니다. said
It was the voice of an old spirit of the forest, promising Taro the power to change anything he wanted.
하지만, but 변할 to change 때마다 each time 그의 his 삶에서 from life 시간이 time 줄어든다는 would decrease 조건이 condition 있었습니다. was
However, there was a condition that every time he changed, time in his life would decrease.
타로는 Taro the 제안을 proposal 받아들였습니다. accepted
Taro accepted the proposal.
그의 his first 번째 time 소원은 wish 부자가 rich 되는 becoming 것이었습니다. thing was
His first wish was to become rich.
다음 next day 아침, morning 그는 he big 집에서 in the house 깨어났습니다. woke up
The next morning, he woke up in a big house.
비록 although 그는 he 새로운 new 삶을 life 즐겼지만, enjoyed but 그의 his 만족은 satisfaction 오래가지 last long 못했습니다. couldn't
Although he enjoyed his new life, his satisfaction did not last long.
그는 he 마을의 village's 지도자의 leader's 멋진 nice 행사를 event 보고 saw and 질투를 envy 느꼈고, felt and more greater 힘을 power 원하여 wanted so 지도자가 leader 되기를 becoming 원했습니다. wished
He felt jealous after seeing the village leader's wonderful event, and wanted greater power to become a leader.
지도자가 leader became 타로는 Taro 힘과 power and 영향력을 influence 가지며 had 존경을 respect 받았습니다. received
As a leader, Taro had gained power, influence, and respect.
하지만 but 곧, soon 만족하지 satisfied 못하는 unable to 마음이 heart 그를 him 괴롭히기 tormenting 시작했습니다. began
But soon, dissatisfaction began to torment him.
태양의 sun's 엄청난 tremendous 힘을 power 보면서 saw and 자신이 he 작게 small 느껴졌습니다. felt
Seeing the tremendous power of the sun, he felt small.
그는 he 실망하여 disappointed so 태양이 sun 되는 becoming 것이 thing 진정한 true 힘이라고 strength is 생각하며 thought 태양이 sun 되기를 to become 소원했습니다. wished
Disappointed, he wished to become the sun, believing it would give him true strength.
태양으로 as the sun 변한 changed 타로는 Taro 그의 his 빛을 light 세상의 world's 모든 all 곳에 places 비췄습니다. shined
Taro turned into the sun and shined his light everywhere in the world.
그는 he 새로운 new 힘을 power 즐기며 enjoyed 세상에 in the world 영향을 influence 미치는 having 것을 thing 자랑스럽게 proudly 여겼습니다. considered
He enjoyed his new power and took pride in his influence over the world.
그러나 however 그의 his 승리는 victory 길지 long 않았습니다. was not
However, his victory did not last long.
구름이 cloud 하늘을 sky 지나 passed 그의 his 빛을 light 가리며 covered and 그의 his 힘을 power 약하게 weak 만들었습니다. made
A cloud passed through the sky, covering his light and weakening his power.
타로는 Taro more greater 실망을 disappointment 느꼈습니다. felt
Taro felt even more disappointed.
단순한 simple 구름이 cloud 어떻게 how 그의 his 힘을 power 가릴 to obscure way 있을까? existed
How could a simple cloud obscure his power?
그는 he 결심하여 decided 구름이 cloud 되기를 becoming 원했습니다. wished
He decided that he wanted to become a cloud.
구름이 cloud became 타로는 Taro 태양을 sun 가리고 covered and 비를 rain 내리며 fell 땅에 on the ground 영향을 influence 미치는 having 것을 thing 즐겼습니다. enjoyed
As a cloud, Taro covered the sun, poured rain, and enjoyed having influence on the ground.
그러나 but 그의 his 만족은 satisfaction 오래가지 last long 못했습니다. couldn't
But his satisfaction did not last long.
바람이 wind 불어와 blew and 그를 him 하늘로 to the sky 날려버렸습니다. blew away
The wind blew and carried him away to the sky.
그의 his 힘은 power 사라져서 disappeared so 조절하기 to control 어려운 difficult 상태가 state 되었습니다. became
His power disappeared, leaving him in a state where it was difficult to maintain control.
바람의 wind's 힘을 power 깨달은 realized 타로는 Taro 바람이 wind 되기를 to become 원했습니다. wished
Realizing the wind's power, Taro wished to become it.
바람이 wind became 타로는 Taro 땅을 land 강하게 strongly 지나가며 passed 나무를 tree 뽑고 pulled out and 구름을 cloud 날려버렸습니다. blew away
As the wind, Taro swept across the land, pulling out trees and blowing away clouds.
그는 he 강한 strong 힘을 power 느끼며 felt and 즐거워했습니다. was pleased
He felt joy as he experienced the strong power.
그러나 however 그의 his 힘은 power 큰, big 움직이지 moving 않는 not 산에 mountain 부딪히면서 while hitting 약해졌습니다. weakened
However, his power weakened as he hit a big, immovable mountain.
산은 mountain 단단하게 firmly standing 있었고, was and 그의 his 힘에 power 영향을 influence 받지 receive 않았습니다. did not
The mountain stood firmly and was unaffected by his power.
타로는 Taro 점점 gradually more 절망을 despair 느끼며, felt and 산이 mountain 되면 if became 정말로 truly 강할 would be strong 것이라고 thing is 확신했습니다. was sure
Taro gradually felt more despair and was sure that if he became a mountain, he would truly be strong.
오래된 old 산이 mountain became 타로는 Taro 영원히 forever 강할 would be strong 것이라고 thing is 느꼈습니다. felt
Taro, who had become an old mountain, felt that he would be strong forever.
그러나 but 어느 one 날, day 그는 he 자신의 his 옆에서 next to 익숙한 familiar 소리를 sound 들었습니다. heard
But one day, he heard a familiar sound next to him.
a 돌을 stone 다듬는 polishing 사람이 person 그의 his big 몸을 body 천천히 slowly 깎고 carving 있었습니다. was
A stone carver was slowly carving his large body.
The Stonecutter's Journey
Korean Story Lab
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