2314 words
12 minutes
The Call of Cthulhu Opening
Vocabulary List
세상Common Noun Elementary
가장General Adverb Elementary
Dependent Noun Elementary
마음Common Noun Elementary
모든Determiner Elementary
연결Common Noun Elementary
하다Verb Suffix Elementary
못하다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
능력Common Noun Elementary
이다Copula Elementary
생각Common Noun Elementary
우리Pronoun Elementary
바다Common Noun Elementary
있다Verb Elementary
하다Adjective Suffix Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
살다Verb Elementary
있다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
멀리General Adverb Elementary
나가다Verb Elementary
맞다Verb Elementary
다른Determiner Elementary
방향Common Noun Elementary
지금Common Noun Elementary
크다Adjective Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
그러나Conjunctive Adverb Elementary
Determiner Elementary
떨어지다Verb Elementary
모이다Verb Elementary
무섭다Adjective Elementary
모습Common Noun Elementary
Determiner Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
위치Common Noun Elementary
알다Verb Elementary
되다Verb Elementary
사실Common Noun Elementary
버리다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
새롭다Adjective Elementary
어둡다Adjective Elementary
Conjunctive Particle Elementary
안전Common Noun Elementary
다행스럽다Adjective Intermediate
인간Common Noun Intermediate
끝없다Adjective Intermediate
검다Adjective Intermediate
한가운데Common Noun Intermediate
고요Common Noun Intermediate
않다Auxiliary Verb Intermediate
과학Common Noun Intermediate
각자General Adverb Intermediate
나아가다Verb Intermediate
끼치다Verb Intermediate
언젠가General Adverb Intermediate
지식Common Noun Intermediate
현실Common Noun Intermediate
드러내다Verb Intermediate
인하다Verb Intermediate
미치다Verb Intermediate
Common Noun Intermediate
피하다Verb Intermediate
시대Common Noun Intermediate
평화Common Noun Intermediate
도망치다Verb Intermediate
무지Common Noun Advanced
세상에서 in the world 가장 most 다행스러운 fortunate 것은 thing 인간의 human's 마음이 mind 모든 all 것을 things 연결하지 connect 못하는 cannot 능력이라고 ability is 생각합니다. I think
I think the most fortunate thing in the world is the human mind's inability to connect everything.
우리는 we 끝없는 endless 검은 black 바다 sea 한가운데 in the middle 있는 being 고요한 quiet 무지의 ignorance's 섬에 island 살고 living 있으며, are and 멀리 far 나가는 going out 것은 thing 우리에게 for us 맞지 suitable 않았습니다. was not
We live on a quiet island of ignorance in the middle of an endless black sea, and it was not meant for us to venture far.
과학은 science 각자 each 다른 different 방향으로 directions 나아가고 progressing 있으며, is and 지금까지는 until now 우리에게 for us great 해를 harm 끼치지 caused 않았습니다. has not
Each science is progressing in different directions and has not caused us great harm until now.
그러나 however 언젠가 someday these 떨어져 separated 있는 being 지식들이 knowledge 모이면, if gathered 현실의 reality's 무서운 fearful 모습을 appearance 드러내고, reveal and that 속에서 inside 우리의 our 무서운 fearful 위치를 position 알게 know 되어 come to and 우리는 we that 사실로 fact 인해 due to 미쳐버리거나 go mad or that 빛을 light 피해 avoid 새로운 new 어두운 dark 시대의 era's 평화와 peace and 안전 safety 속으로 into 도망칠 will flee 것입니다. thing is
However, someday, if these separate pieces of knowledge come together, they will reveal the fearful reality, and in that, we will come to know our terrifying position and either go mad or flee into the peace and safety of a new dark age, avoiding the light.
The Call of Cthulhu Opening
Korean Story Lab
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