6096 words
30 minutes
Shattered Pieces
Vocabulary List
걸어오다Verb Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
모으다Verb Elementary
두다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
기억Common Noun Elementary
점점General Adverb Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
지다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
Pronoun Elementary
찾다Verb Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
익숙하다Adjective Elementary
작다Adjective Elementary
목소리Common Noun Elementary
깊다Adjective Elementary
시간Common Noun Elementary
노래Common Noun Elementary
다시General Adverb Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
가볍다Adjective Elementary
남기다Verb Elementary
되다Verb Elementary
비다Verb Elementary
이다Copula Elementary
떨어지다Verb Elementary
상처Common Noun Elementary
가다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
바람Common Noun Elementary
놓다Verb Elementary
버리다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
잃어버리다Verb Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
나다Verb Elementary
넘다Verb Elementary
시작Common Noun Elementary
되다Verb Suffix Elementary
하다Adjective Suffix Elementary
마음Common Noun Elementary
멈추다Verb Elementary
시계Common Noun Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
지금Common Noun Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
바뀌다Verb Elementary
걸어가다Verb Elementary
묶다Verb Intermediate
높아지다Adjective Intermediate
굳어지다Verb Intermediate
커지다Verb Intermediate
그림자Common Noun Intermediate
소음Common Noun Intermediate
잊히다Verb Intermediate
Common Noun Intermediate
비치다Verb Intermediate
햇살Common Noun Intermediate
고요Common Noun Intermediate
깨어나다Verb Intermediate
멜로디Common Noun Intermediate
낡다Adjective Intermediate
울리다Verb Intermediate
퍼지다Verb Intermediate
쥐다Verb Intermediate
흩어지다Verb Intermediate
모래Common Noun Intermediate
부서지다Verb Intermediate
Common Noun Intermediate
않다Auxiliary Verb Intermediate
발자국Common Noun Intermediate
나아가다Verb Intermediate
두렵다Adjective Intermediate
꽃잎Common Noun Intermediate
General Adverb Intermediate
손끝Common Noun Intermediate
닿다Verb Intermediate
흔들리다Verb Intermediate
용기Common Noun Intermediate
순간Common Noun Intermediate
고요Root Intermediate
물결Common Noun Intermediate
채우다Verb Intermediate
발걸음Common Noun Intermediate
따라가다Verb Intermediate
싶다Auxiliary Verb Other
Dependent Noun Other
The path I've walked, like a rope binding my feet
The memories I've gathered, a wall growing taller
A growing shadow beneath my frozen feet
Searching for myself, forgotten in the noise
Sunlight shining through the gap in the door
A faint voice in the familiar silence
A melody awakened in the depths of time
An old song echoes once again
Sand slipping through my clenched fingers
The more I break, the lighter I feel
I want to be footprints that leave no trail
With empty hands, I move forward again
Clutching petals, afraid they might fall
The closer they touch my fingertips, the more they turn into wounds
A heart swayed by even the lightest breeze
Having lost the courage to let go
Sunlight shining through the gap in the door
A faint voice in the familiar silence
A melody awakened in the depths of time
An old song echoes once again
Sand slipping through my clenched fingers
The more I break, the lighter I feel
I want to be footprints that leave no trail
With empty hands, I move forward again
Moments arising beyond the end of time
Like gentle waves, gradually filling my heart
Footsteps growing lighter upon the stopped clock
Even this trembling now turns into a dance
Sand slipping through my clenched fingers
The more I break, the lighter I feel
I want to be footprints that leave no trail
With empty hands, I move forward again
Walking on the scattered sand
The more I break, the lighter I feel
Following the footprints left on the path
With empty hands, I move forward again
Shattered Pieces
Korean Story Lab
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