212 words
1 minutes
-(으)면서: While (Simultaneous Actions)
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Example Sentences#

  1. 다들 힘들게 사는데, 서로 도와주고 이해하면서 조금씩 변해가는 게 너무 좋았어.1
    While everyone lives with difficulty, I really liked how they help each other, understand each other, and gradually change.

    • 이해하다 means ‘to understand’.
    • -면서 is a connective ending indicating simultaneous actions.
  2. 태양의 엄청난 힘을 보면서 자신이 작게 느껴졌습니다.2
    Seeing the tremendous power of the sun, he felt small.

    • 보다 means ‘to see’.
    • 면서 is a connective ending indicating simultaneous actions.
  3. 그러나 그의 힘은 큰, 움직이지 않는 산에 부딪히면서 약해졌습니다.2
    However, his power weakened as he hit a big, immovable mountain.

    • 부딪히다 means ‘to be collided with’. It is derived from the verb 부딪다 (to bump or hit) with the passive suffix -히- added. However, in this context, it conveys an active sense of ‘hitting’.
    • 면서 is a connective ending indicating simultaneous actions.


  1. Sentence from Exploring K Drama Favorites.

  2. Sentence from The Stonecutter Journey Story. 2

-(으)면서: While (Simultaneous Actions)
Korean Story Lab
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