Example Sentences
체셔 고양이: “저쪽에는,” 고양이는 한쪽 발을 흔들며, “모자 장수가 살고 있어.1
Cheshire Cat: “In that direction,” waving one paw, “lives a Hatter.너와 나, 웃으며 춤춰 봐2
You and I, let’s smile and dance우리가 번갈아 가며 하나씩 먹자.3
Let’s take turns eating one at a time.- 가다 means ‘to go’.
- -아 가다 is a grammatical construction indicating that the action or state mentioned in the preceding statement continues or progresses over time.
- -며 is a connective ending indicating simultaneous actions.
- When combined as -아 가며, it suggests that the action from the preceding clause is performed progressively or repeatedly while another action occurs simultaneously.
우리는 끝없는 검은 바다 한가운데 있는 고요한 무지의 섬에 살고 있으며, 멀리 나가는 것은 우리에게 맞지 않았습니다.4
We live on a quiet island of ignorance in the middle of an endless black sea, and it was not meant for us to venture far.나이 든 스님은 젊은 스님을 바라보며 말했다.5
The old monk looked at the young monk and said:지도자가 된 타로는 힘과 영향력을 가지며 존경을 받았습니다.6
As a leader, Taro had gained power, influence, and respect.그리고 저쪽에는,” 다른 쪽 발을 흔들며, “3월 토끼가 살고 있어.1
And in that direction,” waving the other paw, “the March Hare lives.포도를 다 먹고 난 후, 맹인은 포도 줄기를 손에 쥐고 고개를 흔들며 말했다.3
After finishing the grapes, the blind man held the grape stem in his hand, shook his head, and said:과학은 각자 다른 방향으로 나아가고 있으며, 지금까지는 우리에게 큰 해를 끼치지 않았습니다.4
Each science is progressing in different directions and has not caused us great harm until now.그는 실망하여 태양이 되는 것이 진정한 힘이라고 생각하며 태양이 되기를 소원했습니다.6
Disappointed, he wished to become the sun, believing it would give him true strength.라사로는 당황하며 말했다.3
Lazaro said, embarrassed:그는 새로운 힘을 즐기며 세상에 영향을 미치는 것을 자랑스럽게 여겼습니다.6
He enjoyed his new power and took pride in his influence over the world.라사로는 속으로 웃음을 지으며, 맹인이 얼마나 영리한지 깨달았다.3
Lazaro smiled to himself, realizing how clever the blind man was.구름이 하늘을 지나 그의 빛을 가리며 그의 힘을 약하게 만들었습니다.6
A cloud passed through the sky, covering his light and weakening his power.구름이 된 타로는 태양을 가리고 비를 내리며 땅에 영향을 미치는 것을 즐겼습니다.6
As a cloud, Taro covered the sun, poured rain, and enjoyed having influence on the ground.바람이 된 타로는 땅을 강하게 지나가며 나무를 뽑고 구름을 날려버렸습니다.6
As the wind, Taro swept across the land, pulling out trees and blowing away clouds.그는 강한 힘을 느끼며 즐거워했습니다.6
He felt joy as he experienced the strong power.타로는 점점 더 절망을 느끼며, 산이 되면 정말로 강할 것이라고 확신했습니다.6
Taro gradually felt more despair and was sure that if he became a mountain, he would truly be strong.
Sentence from Alice And The Cheshire Cat Story. ↩ ↩2
Sentence from Blue Breeze Song. ↩
Sentence from Lazaro And The Blind Man. ↩ ↩2 ↩3 ↩4
Sentence from The Call Of Cthulhu Opening Story. ↩ ↩2
Sentence from The Girl At The River Story. ↩
Sentence from The Stonecutter Journey Story. ↩ ↩2 ↩3 ↩4 ↩5 ↩6 ↩7 ↩8