133 words
1 minutes
-(으)려다(가): Expression of Intent Interrupted
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Example Sentences#

  1. 그의 아들이 그 말을 다루려다 떨어져서 다리를 다쳤습니다.1
    His son fell while handling the horse and injured his leg.
    • 다루다 means ‘to handle’.
    • 려다 is a contracted form of -(으)려고 하다가. This expression is composed of -려고, which is used to express intention or purpose, similar to ‘in order to’, combined with 하다 (to do), emphasizing the intention or plan to do something, and 다가, a clause ending indicating the interruption of an action to immediately start another action.
    • Together, 다루려다 forms a pattern that means ‘intended to handle (something), but then (something else happened)’.


  1. Sentence from Bad Luck Good Luck Story.

-(으)려다(가): Expression of Intent Interrupted
Korean Story Lab
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