-(으)러: Purpose of Movement
Example Sentences#
같이 한강에 자전거 타러 가는 건 어때?1
How about we go biking along the Han River together?
- 타다 means ‘to ride’.
- -러 is a connective ending used to express the purpose of an action and is exclusively used with movement verbs like 가다 (to go) or 오다 (to come) to indicate going or coming in order to do something.
밥 먹으러 와서 떡볶이만 먹을 거야?2
You came out to eat, and you’re only going to have tteokbokki?
- 먹다 means ‘to eat’.
- -으러 is a connective ending used to express the purpose of an action and is exclusively used with movement verbs like 가다 (to go) or 오다 (to come) to indicate going or coming in order to do something.