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-(으)ㄹ수록: The More... The More...
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Example Sentences#

  1. 저는 인류 전체를 사랑할수록 특정 사람을 덜 사랑하게 됩니다.1
    The more I love humanity, the less I come to love any particular person.

    • 사랑하다 means ‘to love’.
    • ㄹ수록 is a grammar pattern indicating that as the extent of the preceding action or condition increases, the following statement changes accordingly. It means ‘the more (something happens)’.
  2. 하지만 특정 사람을 미워할수록 인류 전체를 더욱 사랑하게 되는 것은 언제나 그래왔습니다.1
    But the more I hate any particular person, the more I come to love humanity as a whole, and it has always been so.

    • 미워하다 means ‘to hate’. It is derived from the adjective 밉다 (to be hateful) using the pattern -어하다, which transforms adjectives into verbs to describe the feeling or perception of an emotion from an external viewpoint.
    • ㄹ수록 is a grammar pattern indicating that as the extent of the preceding action or condition increases, the following statement changes accordingly. It means ‘the more (something happens)’.


  1. Sentence from Father Zossima Counsel Story. 2

-(으)ㄹ수록: The More... The More...
Korean Story Lab
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