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2 minutes
-(으)ㄹ까(요): Expressing Curiosity or Suggestion
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Example Sentences#

  1. 민준: 나 친구들이랑 노래방 갈까 생각 중이야.1
    Minjun: I’m thinking about going to a karaoke room with my friends.

    • 가다 means ‘to go’.
    • -ㄹ까 is a sentence ending that indicates curiosity, wonder, or uncertainty about a potential action. In this context, it functions as an indirect quotation of the speaker’s thoughts, embedding their internal deliberation about the action within the larger sentence.
  2. 모르는 것처럼 할까2
    Should I pretend not to know?

    • 하다 means ‘to do’.
    • -ㄹ까 is a sentence ending used to ask for a suggestion or propose an action, expressing uncertainty or contemplation, often used when speaking to oneself.
  3. 단순한 구름이 어떻게 그의 힘을 가릴 수 있을까?3
    How could a simple cloud obscure his power?

    • 있다 means ‘to exist’ or ‘to be’.
    • ㄹ 수 있다 forms a grammar pattern that expresses ability or possibility.
    • 을까 is a question ending indicating curiosity, wonder, or uncertainty, often used when the speaker is asking themselves a question.
  4. 서준: 뭐 먹을까?4
    Seojun: What shall we eat?

    • 먹다 means ‘to eat’.
    • -을까 is a sentence ending used to ask for a suggestion or propose an action, often translated as ‘shall we…?’ or ‘how about…?’
  5. 아니면 살짝 웃어볼까2
    Or should I give a soft smile?

    • 웃다 means ‘to smile’.
    • -어 보다 is a grammatical construction where 보다 (to see) is used as an auxiliary verb to indicate that one attempts or tests the action described in the preceding statement.
    • -ㄹ까 is a sentence ending used to ask for a suggestion or propose an action, expressing uncertainty or contemplation, often used when speaking to oneself.
  6. 모르는 게 나을까2
    Would it be better not to know?

    • 낫다 means ‘to be better’.
    • -을까 is a question ending indicating curiosity, wonder, or uncertainty, often used when the speaker is asking themselves a question.


  1. Sentence from A Fun Weekend Ahead.

  2. Sentence from Blue Breeze Song. 2 3

  3. Sentence from The Stonecutter Journey Story.

  4. Sentence from What Is On The Menu Tonight.

-(으)ㄹ까(요): Expressing Curiosity or Suggestion
Korean Story Lab
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