107 words
1 minutes
-(으)ㄹ 테니까: Expressing Speaker's Strong Intention or Expectation
Example Sentences
- “그렇지 않으면 여기에 오지 않았을 테니까.”1
“Otherwise, you wouldn’t have come.”- 테 is a contraction of 터 (a bound noun meaning inference, intention, or expectation) and 이다 (to be).
- (으)니까 is a connective ending used to indicate the cause or reason for an action, often emphasizing the speaker’s subjective reasoning or justification.
- Together, -을 테니까 conveys the idea that the speaker is drawing a conclusion or providing a reason based on what they perceive as the intention or expectation behind the action.
Sentence from Alice And The Cheshire Cat Story. ↩
-(으)ㄹ 테니까: Expressing Speaker's Strong Intention or Expectation으ㄹ-테니까-expressing-speakers-strong-intention-or-expectation/