321 words
2 minutes
-(으)ㄹ 때: "When"
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Example Sentences#

  1. 오른쪽과 왼쪽 멀리서 벽이 보이기 시작했을 기뻤어.1
    I was glad when I saw walls far away to the right and left.

    • means ‘time’ or ‘occasion’.
    • The expression -을 때 is commonly used to indicate the duration, period, or occasion of a certain situation. When combined with the past tense marker -였, it situates the time of occurrence in the past.
  2. 그런데 나는 기쁠 으르렁거리고, 화가 나면 꼬리를 흔들어.2
    But I growl when I’m happy, and I wag my tail when I’m angry.

    • means ‘time’ or ‘occasion’.
    • The expression -ㄹ 때 is commonly used to indicate the duration, period, or occasion of a certain situation.
  3. 어느 저녁, 그는 오래된 나무 아래에서 쉬고 있을 때, 나뭇잎 사이로 신비한 목소리가 들려왔습니다.3
    One evening, while he was resting under an old tree, he heard a mysterious voice through the leaves.

    • means ‘time’ or ‘occasion’.
    • The expression -ㄹ 때 is commonly used to indicate the duration, period, or occasion of a certain situation.
  4. 하지만, 변할 때마다 그의 삶에서 시간이 줄어든다는 조건이 있었습니다.3
    However, there was a condition that every time he changed, time in his life would decrease.

    • means ‘time’ or ‘occasion’.
    • The expression -ㄹ 때 is commonly used to indicate the duration, period, or occasion of a certain situation.
    • -마다 is a particle that indicates repetition or inclusion of every instance without exception, often translated as ‘every’.


  1. Sentence from A Little Fable Story.

  2. Sentence from Alice And The Cheshire Cat Story.

  3. Sentence from The Stonecutter Journey Story. 2

-(으)ㄹ 때: "When"
Korean Story Lab
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