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1 minutes
-(으)ㄴ지: Expressing Uncertainty
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Example Sentences#

  1. 체셔 고양이: “그건 네가 어디로 가고 싶은지에 달려 있어,” 고양이가 말했다.1
    Cheshire Cat: “That depends on where you want to go,” said the cat.

    • 싶다 is an adjective meaning ‘to be desirous of’, and when used after the connective ending -고, it expresses a desire to do something or to be in a certain state.
    • -은지 is a connective ending used to indicate uncertainty or doubt about a present action or state. It encapsulates the clause as a noun form, often used in contexts where there is a question, assumption, or speculation about what is happening.
    • is a particle indicating the cause or basis for something.
  2. 라사로는 속으로 웃음을 지으며, 맹인이 얼마나 영리한지 깨달았다.2
    Lazaro smiled to himself, realizing how clever the blind man was.

    • 영리하다 means ‘to be clever’ or ‘to be smart’.
    • -ㄴ지 is a connective ending used to indicate uncertainty or doubt about a present action or state. It encapsulates the clause as a noun form, often used in contexts where there is a question, assumption, or speculation.


  1. Sentence from Alice And The Cheshire Cat Story.

  2. Sentence from Lazaro And The Blind Man.

-(으)ㄴ지: Expressing Uncertainty
Korean Story Lab
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