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1 minutes
-(으)ㄴ가/는가: Expressing Uncertainty and Softening Questions
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Example Sentences#

  1. 뭔가 따뜻한 느낌이랄까.1
    It’s kind of a warm feeling, you might say.

    • 뭔가 means ‘somewhat’ or ‘something’ and is a contraction of 무엇인가, which combines 무엇 (what), 이다 (to be), and ㄴ가 (a marker expressing curiosity or uncertainty). It is used to refer to an unspecified object, idea, or concept in a vague or indefinite sense.
  2. 경험에 따르면, 누군가 제 곁에 있으면 그 사람의 성격이 저를 방해하고 자유를 제한합니다.2
    In my experience, if someone is beside me, their personality disturbs me and restricts my freedom.

    • 누군가 means ‘someone’ and comes from 누구인가, combining 누구 (who), 이다 (to be), and ㄴ가 (a marker expressing curiosity or uncertainty). It is used to refer to an unspecified person.
  3. 그런데 왜 아직도 그 여자를 마음속에 두고 있는가?”3
    Why are you still carrying her?”

    • 있다 means ‘to be’ or ‘to exist’.
    • -고 있다 is a grammar pattern used to indicate a continuous or ongoing action.
    • -는가 is a formal or literary written question ending used to ask questions indirectly, often conveying curiosity, speculation, or introspection. It implies a sense of wondering, musing, or posing a rhetorical question, rather than directly asking.


  1. Sentence from Exploring K Drama Favorites.

  2. Sentence from Father Zossima Counsel Story.

  3. Sentence from The Girl At The River Story.

-(으)ㄴ가/는가: Expressing Uncertainty and Softening Questions
Korean Story Lab
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