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-(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 것일까(요)/걸까(요): Rhetorical/Speculative Question
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Example Sentences#

  1. 네가 내게 다가오는 걸까?1
    Could it be you, coming closer to me?
    • 걸까 is a contraction of 것일까, where is a bound noun meaning ‘thing’, often used to nominalize a clause, 이다 is the copula meaning ‘to be’, and -ㄹ까 is a question ending expressing uncertainty, curiosity, or wonder, often used when the speaker is asking themselves a question.
    • -는 걸까 indicates a rhetorical or speculative question, translating roughly as ‘Could it be that…’.


  1. Sentence from Blue Breeze Song.

-(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 것일까(요)/걸까(요): Rhetorical/Speculative Question
Korean Story Lab
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