1530 words
8 minutes
-았/었/였: Past Tense Marker
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Example Sentences#

  1. “아, 이럴 수가,” 쥐가 말했다.1
    “Ah, how could this be,” the mouse said.

    • 말하다 means ‘to say’ or ‘to speak’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  2. 돌아보면 차이가 있었을까?2
    When I look back, was there ever a difference?

    • 있다 means ‘to exist’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • 을까 is a question ending indicating curiosity, wonder, or uncertainty, often used when the speaker is asking themselves a question.
  3. 체셔 고양이: “그건 네가 어디로 가고 싶은지에 달려 있어,” 고양이가 말했다.3
    Cheshire Cat: “That depends on where you want to go,” said the cat.

    • 말하다 means ‘to say’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  4. 옛날에 한 노인이 있었습니다.4
    Once upon a time, there was an old man.

    • 있다 means ‘to exist’ or ‘to be’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • 습니다 is a formal polite ending used in declarative sentences.
  5. 태민: 나는 나의 아저씨가 진짜 좋았어.5
    Taemin: I really liked ‘My Mister’.

    • 좋다 means ‘to be good’.
    • is the past tense marker.
    • is a casual ending used in informal speech.
  6. 하지만 특정 사람을 미워할수록 인류 전체를 더욱 사랑하게 되는 것은 언제나 그래왔습니다.6
    But the more I hate any particular person, the more I come to love humanity as a whole, and it has always been so.

    • 그렇다 means ‘to be so’ or ‘to be like that’.
    • -어 오다 is a grammatical construction where 오다 (to come) is used as an auxiliary verb to indicate that an action or state has been continuing up to the present.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • 습니다 is a formal polite ending used in declarative sentences.
  7. 어느 날, 라사로와 맹인은 알모록스라는 마을에 도착했다.7
    One day, Lazaro and the blind man arrived in a village called Almorox.

    • 도착하다 means ‘to arrive’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative ending used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  8. 우리는 끝없는 검은 바다 한가운데 있는 고요한 무지의 섬에 살고 있으며, 멀리 나가는 것은 우리에게 맞지 않았습니다.8
    We live on a quiet island of ignorance in the middle of an endless black sea, and it was not meant for us to venture far.

    • 않다 is an auxiliary verb that makes the clause negative.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • 습니다 is a formal polite ending used in declarative sentences.
  9. 두 명의 스님, 한 명은 나이 든 스님이고 다른 한 명은 젊은 스님이 함께 여행하고 있었다.9
    Two monks, one old and one young, were traveling together.

    • 있다 means ‘to exist’ or ‘to be’.
    • -고 있다 is a grammar pattern used to indicate a continuous or ongoing action.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  10. 고요한 마을에는 타로라는 성실한 돌을 다듬는 사람이 살고 있었습니다.10
    In a quiet village, there lived a diligent stone carver named Taro.

    • 있다 means ‘to exist’ or ‘to be’.
    • -고 있다 is a grammar pattern used to indicate a continuous or ongoing action.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • 습니다 is a formal polite ending used in declarative sentences.
  11. 서준: 알았어.11
    Seojun: Got it.

    • 알다 means ‘to know’ or ‘to understand’.
    • -았- is a past tense marker.
    • -어 is a casual ending used in informal speech.
  12. 처음에는 너무 넓어서 두려웠고, 계속 달리기만 했어.1
    At the beginning it was so big that I was afraid, and I kept running and running.

    • 두렵다 means ‘to be afraid’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • -고 is a connective ending used to link two actions or states, meaning ‘and’, or to join the main verb to auxiliary verbs.
  13. 앨리스: “어디든 상관없어요—” 앨리스가 말했다.3
    Alice: “I don’t care where—” said Alice.

    • 말하다 means ‘to say’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  14. 어느 날 그의 말이 도망갔습니다.4
    One day, his horse ran away.

    • 도망가다 means ‘to run away’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • 습니다 is a formal polite ending used in declarative sentences.
  15. 큰 사건도 없는데, 사람들 이야기가 너무 진짜 같고, 그래서 더 감동적이었어.5
    Even though there’s no big event, the people’s stories seem so real, so it was more touching.

    • 감동적 means ‘touching’ or ‘moving’. It’s composed of 감동 (strong feelings or deep emotion) and the suffix -적, which turns a noun into a descriptive term meaning ‘relating to’ or ‘having the properties of’.
    • 이다 is the copula meaning ‘to be’.
    • is the past tense marker.
    • is a casual ending used in informal speech.
  16. 그곳에서 한 농부가 맹인에게 포도 한 송이를 건네주었다.7
    There, a farmer handed a bunch of grapes to the blind man.

    • 건네주다 means ‘to hand over’ or ‘to pass’. It is formed by combining 건네다 (to hand over) with the pattern -어 주다, where 주다 (to give) adds the nuance of doing the action for someone else.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative ending used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  17. 과학은 각자 다른 방향으로 나아가고 있으며, 지금까지는 우리에게 큰 해를 끼치지 않았습니다.8
    Each science is progressing in different directions and has not caused us great harm until now.

    • 않다 is an auxiliary verb that makes the clause negative.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • 습니다 is a formal polite ending used in declarative sentences.
  18. 어느 날 그들은 강 옆에 도착했는데, 그곳에는 젊고 아름다운 여자가 강을 건너려 하다가 어려움을 겪고 있었다.9
    One day, they arrived beside a river, where there was a young and beautiful woman having difficulty trying to cross the river.

    • 도착하다 means ‘to arrive’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • -는데 is a connective ending that provides background information or sets the scene for what follows. It can also express contrast, surprise, or hesitation.
  19. 그는 매일 열심히 일했지만, 더 많은 힘과 부를 가진 사람들을 부러워했습니다.10
    He worked diligently every day, but envied those with more power and wealth.

    • 일하다 means ‘to work’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • 지만 is a connective ending meaning ‘but’, used to contrast two clauses.
  20. 오른쪽과 왼쪽 멀리서 벽이 보이기 시작했을 때 기뻤어.1
    I was glad when I saw walls far away to the right and left.

    • 시작하다 means ‘to start’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a modifier that makes the preceding statement function as an adnominal phrase describing the following noun, conveying assumption, intention, or possibility, including potential future actions.


  1. Sentence from A Little Fable Story. 2 3

  2. Sentence from A New Beginning.

  3. Sentence from Alice And The Cheshire Cat Story. 2

  4. Sentence from Bad Luck Good Luck Story. 2

  5. Sentence from Exploring K Drama Favorites. 2

  6. Sentence from Father Zossima Counsel Story.

  7. Sentence from Lazaro And The Blind Man. 2

  8. Sentence from The Call Of Cthulhu Opening Story. 2

  9. Sentence from The Girl At The River Story. 2

  10. Sentence from The Stonecutter Journey Story. 2

  11. Sentence from What Is On The Menu Tonight.

-았/었/였: Past Tense Marker
Korean Story Lab
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