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3 minutes
-아/어/여지다: Gradual Becoming
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Example Sentences#

  1. “세상이 날마다 더 좁아지고 있어.1
    “The world is getting narrower every day.

    • 좁다 means ‘to be narrow’.
    • -아지다 is a grammar pattern used to indicate that someone or something gradually becomes the state mentioned in the preceding statement.
    • -고 is a connective ending used to link two actions or states, meaning ‘and’, or to join the main verb to auxiliary verbs.
  2. 그래서 더 현실적으로 느껴졌어.2
    So it felt more realistic.

    • 느끼다 means ‘to feel’.
    • -어지다 is a grammar pattern used to indicate that someone or something gradually becomes the state mentioned in the preceding statement.
    • is the past tense marker.
    • is a casual ending used in informal speech.
  3. 태양의 엄청난 힘을 보면서 자신이 작게 느껴졌습니다.3
    Seeing the tremendous power of the sun, he felt small.

    • 느끼다 means ‘to feel’.
    • -어지다 is a grammar pattern used to indicate that someone or something gradually becomes the state mentioned in the preceding statement.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • 습니다 is a formal polite ending used in declarative sentences.
  4. 하지만 이 긴 벽들이 너무 빨리 가까워져서 이제는 마지막 방에 있고, 저기 구석에 내가 달려가는 덫이 있어.”1
    But these long walls closed in so quickly that now I am in the last room, and over there in the corner is the trap I am running towards.”

    • 가깝다 means ‘to be close’.
    • -어지다 is a grammar pattern used to indicate that someone or something gradually becomes the state mentioned in the preceding statement.
    • -어서 is a connective ending that indicates a sequence of related events or cause and effect.
  5. 두 사람 다 마음에 상처가 있는데, 서로 조금씩 나아지는 게 진짜 감동이었어.2
    Both of them were emotionally hurt, but seeing them gradually heal each other was truly touching.

    • 나아지다 is a verb meaning ‘to improve’ or ‘to get better’. It is formed by combining 낫다 (‘to be better’ or ‘to recover’) and -아지다, a grammatical pattern indicating a change of state or gradual becoming.
    • is a present tense modifier that makes the preceding statement function as an adnominal phrase describing the following noun.
  6. 그러나 그의 힘은 큰, 움직이지 않는 산에 부딪히면서 약해졌습니다.3
    However, his power weakened as he hit a big, immovable mountain.

    • 약하다 means ‘to be weak’.
    • -여지다 is a grammar pattern used to indicate that someone or something gradually becomes the state mentioned in the preceding statement.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • 습니다 is a formal polite ending used in declarative sentences.
  7. 분위기도 참 따뜻해서 계속 보고 싶어지더라.2
    The atmosphere was so heartwarming that I found myself wanting to keep watching.

    • 싶다 is an adjective meaning ‘to be desirous of’, and when used after the connective ending -고, it expresses a desire to do something or to be in a certain state.
    • -어지다 is a grammatical pattern indicating a change of state or gradual becoming.
    • -더라 is a grammar pattern used to report a personal observation or experience from the past, often conveying a sense of surprise or new realization. It’s composed of -더- (a retrospective suffix conveying past personal experience or observation) and -라 (a declarative sentence-ending used to state a fact or observation).


  1. Sentence from A Little Fable Story. 2

  2. Sentence from Exploring K Drama Favorites. 2 3

  3. Sentence from The Stonecutter Journey Story. 2

-아/어/여지다: Gradual Becoming
Korean Story Lab
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