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5 minutes
-아/어/여 주다: To Do Something for Someone Else
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Example Sentences#

  1. 아름다움 보여 줘, 사라지기 전에1
    Show me beauty before it fades away

    • 주다 means ‘to give’.
    • -어 주다 is a grammar pattern where 주다 is used as an auxiliary verb to indicate that the action is done for someone else’s benefit.
    • is a casual imperative ending used in informal speech.
  2. 앨리스: “여기서 어느 쪽으로 가야 할지 말씀해 주시겠어요?”2
    Alice: “Would you please tell me which way I should go from here?”

    • 주다 means ‘to give’.
    • -여 주다 is a grammar pattern where 주다 (to give) is used as an auxiliary verb to indicate that the action is done for someone else’s benefit.
    • (으)시 is an honorific marker used to show respect to the subject of the verb.
    • -겠 is a suffix indicating an indirect polite proposal with some degree of future supposition.
    • 어요 is a polite ending used in informal polite speech.
  3. 푸른 바람이 말해 주는 것 같아3
    It feels like the blue breeze is whispering

    • 주다 means ‘to give’.
    • 여 주다 is a grammar pattern where 주다 is used as an auxiliary verb to indicate that the action is done for someone else’s benefit.
    • is a present tense modifier that makes the preceding statement function as an adnominal phrase describing the following noun.
  4. 다들 힘들게 사는데, 서로 도와주고 이해하면서 조금씩 변해가는 게 너무 좋았어.4
    While everyone lives with difficulty, I really liked how they help each other, understand each other, and gradually change.

    • 도와주다 means ‘to help’. It is formed by combining 돕다 (to help) with the pattern -아 주다, where 주다 (to give) adds the nuance of doing the action for someone else.
    • is a connective ending used to link two actions or states, meaning ‘and’.
  5. 그곳에서 한 농부가 맹인에게 포도 한 송이를 건네주었다.5
    There, a farmer handed a bunch of grapes to the blind man.

    • 건네주다 means ‘to hand over’ or ‘to pass’. It is formed by combining 건네다 (to hand over) with the pattern -어 주다, where 주다 (to give) adds the nuance of doing the action for someone else.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative ending used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  6. 그때 나이 든 스님은 아무 말 없이 여자를 들어 강을 건너게 도와주고, 다른 쪽에 내려놓은 후 다시 길을 떠났다.6
    At that moment, the old monk picked up the woman without a word, helped her cross the river, set her down on the other side, and resumed the journey.

    • 도와주다 means ‘to help’ or ‘to assist’. It is formed by combining 돕다 (to help) with the pattern -아 주다, where 주다 (to give) adds the nuance of doing the action for someone else.
    • When combined with -게, it forms 건너게 도와주다, which translates to ‘help (someone) to cross’.
    • -고 is a connective ending used to link two actions or states, meaning ‘and’, or to join the main verb to auxiliary verbs.
  7. 진실을 보여 줘, 길을 잃기 전에1
    Show me truth before I lose my way

    • 주다 means ‘to give’.
    • -어 주다 is a grammar pattern where 주다 is used as an auxiliary verb to indicate that the action is done for someone else’s benefit.
    • is a casual imperative ending used in informal speech.
  8. 지수: 그치, 그 두 사람 다 상처가 많았는데, 그냥 옆에 있어 주는 것만으로도 힘이 되는 게 보여서 좋았어.4
    Jisoo: Right, both of those people had many wounds, but it was good to see that just being by their side was enough to give them strength.

    • 주다 means ‘to give’.
    • -어 주다 is a grammar pattern where 주다 (to give) is used as an auxiliary verb to indicate that the action is done for someone else’s benefit.
    • is a present tense modifier that makes the preceding phrase function as an adjective.
  9. 태민: 응, 말 없이도 서로 힘이 되어 주는 게 진짜 감동이었지.4
    Taemin: Yes, it was really touching that they could be a source of strength for each other even without words.

    • 주다 means ‘to give’.
    • -어 주다 is a grammar pattern where 주다 adds the nuance of doing the action for someone else’s benefit.
    • is a present tense modifier that makes the preceding statement function as an adnominal phrase describing the following noun.


  1. Sentence from A New Beginning. 2

  2. Sentence from Alice And The Cheshire Cat Story.

  3. Sentence from Blue Breeze Song.

  4. Sentence from Exploring K Drama Favorites. 2 3

  5. Sentence from Lazaro And The Blind Man.

  6. Sentence from The Girl At The River Story.

-아/어/여 주다: To Do Something for Someone Else
Korean Story Lab
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