130 words
1 minutes
-아/어/여 오다: Continuation Up to the Present
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Example Sentences#

  1. 하지만 특정 사람을 미워할수록 인류 전체를 더욱 사랑하게 되는 것은 언제나 그래왔습니다.1
    But the more I hate any particular person, the more I come to love humanity as a whole, and it has always been so.
    • 그렇다 means ‘to be so’ or ‘to be like that’.
    • -어 오다 is a grammatical construction where 오다 (to come) is used as an auxiliary verb to indicate that an action or state has been continuing up to the present.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • 습니다 is a formal polite ending used in declarative sentences.


  1. Sentence from Father Zossima Counsel Story.

-아/어/여 오다: Continuation Up to the Present
Korean Story Lab
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