154 words
1 minutes
-아/어/여 달라고: To Request Someone to Do Something for Oneself
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Example Sentences#

  1. 여자는 스님들에게 강을 건너는 것을 도와달라고 부탁했다.1
    The woman asked the monks to help her cross the river.
    • 도와달다 is a compound verb formed from 돕다 (to help) and 달다 (to ask for), meaning ‘to request help’.
    • (으)라고 is a quotative marker used in imperative sentences, indicating that the phrase is being quoted or reported.
    • When quoting an imperative sentence where the original speaker is asking for the action to be done for themselves, -아 달라고 is used instead of -아 주라고 (used when the action is done for someone else). This distinction removes ambiguity. For example, 도와주라고 would have meant the woman asked someone to help the monks cross the river.


  1. Sentence from The Girl At The River Story.

-아/어/여 달라고: To Request Someone to Do Something for Oneself
Korean Story Lab
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