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7 minutes
-아/어/여: Casual Ending
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Example Sentences#

  1. 민준: 이번 주말 뭐 할 거야?1
    Minjun: What are you doing this weekend?

    • is a contracted form of , a bound noun meaning ‘thing’, often used with modifiers to nominalize the preceding clause or phrase.
    • 이다 is the verb ‘to be’, and is its casual conjugated form used in informal speech.
    • The pattern ᆯ 것이다 is commonly used to express future tense in Korean.
  2. “세상이 날마다 더 좁아지고 있어.2
    “The world is getting narrower every day.

    • 있다 means ‘to be’ or ‘to exist’.
    • -고 있다 is a grammar pattern used to indicate a continuous or ongoing action.
    • is a casual ending used in informal speech.
  3. 체셔 고양이: “그건 네가 어디로 가고 싶은지에 달려 있어,” 고양이가 말했다.3
    Cheshire Cat: “That depends on where you want to go,” said the cat.

    • 있다 means ‘to exist’ or ‘to be’. In this context, it is part of the phrase 에 달려 있다, which emphasizes the ongoing state of dependency on the preceding clause.
    • is a casual ending used in informal speech.
  4. 푸른 바람이 말해 주는 것 같아4
    It feels like the blue breeze is whispering

    • 같다 means ‘to be like’ or ‘to seem’.
    • -는 것 같다 is a grammar pattern meaning ‘it seems that…’
    • is a casual ending used in informal speech.
  5. 지수: 요즘 봤던 드라마 중에 뭐가 제일 기억에 남아?5
    Jisoo: Among the dramas you’ve watched recently, which one remains most memorable?

    • 남다 means ‘to remain’ or ‘to be left’.
    • is a casual ending used in informal speech.
  6. 내가 하나 먹으면, 너도 하나만 먹는 거야.6
    If I eat one, you also eat one.

    • is a contracted form of , a bound noun meaning ‘thing’, often used with modifiers to nominalize the preceding clause or phrase.
    • 이다 is the verb ‘to be’, and is its casual conjugated form used in informal speech.
    • The construction -는 것이다 goes beyond simple tense conjugation; it introduces an emotional or explanatory layer to the statement. It is used to emphasize, clarify, or add a sense of realization to what is being said.
  7. 나 떡볶이 먹고 싶어.7
    I want to eat tteokbokki.

    • 싶다 is an adjective meaning ‘to be desirous of’, and when used after the connective ending -고, it expresses a desire to do something or to be in a certain state.
    • is a casual ending used in informal speech.
  8. 특별한 계획 있어?1
    Got any special plans?

    • 있다 means ‘to exist’.
    • is a casual ending used in informal speech.
  9. 처음에는 너무 넓어서 두려웠고, 계속 달리기만 했어.2
    At the beginning it was so big that I was afraid, and I kept running and running.

    • 하다 means ‘to do’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a casual ending used in informal speech.
  10. 체셔 고양이: “그럼 어느 쪽으로 가든 상관없어,” 고양이가 말했다.3
    Cheshire Cat: “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the cat.

    • 상관없다 combines 상관 (correlation or relation) and 없다 (to not exist), literally meaning ‘there is no relation’, conveying the idea of ‘it doesn’t matter’ or ‘I don’t care’.
    • -어 is a casual ending used in informal speech.
  11. 구름 위를 걷는 것 같아4
    It’s like we’re walking on clouds

    • 같다 means ‘to be like’ or ‘to seem’.
    • -는 것 같다 is a grammar pattern meaning ‘it seems that…’
    • is a casual ending used in informal speech.
  12. 태민: 나는 나의 아저씨가 진짜 좋았어.5
    Taemin: I really liked ‘My Mister’.

    • 좋다 means ‘to be good’.
    • is the past tense marker.
    • is a casual ending used in informal speech.
  13. 분명 네가 포도를 세 개씩 먹었을 거야.”6
    I’m sure you ate the grapes three at a time.”

    • is a contracted form of , a bound noun meaning ‘thing’, often used with modifiers to nominalize the preceding clause or phrase.
    • 이다 is the verb ‘to be’, and is its casual conjugated form used in informal speech.
    • The pattern 었을 것이다 is used to express strong speculation or assumption about a past event.
  14. 밥 먹으러 와서 떡볶이만 먹을 거야?7
    You came out to eat, and you’re only going to have tteokbokki?

    • is a contracted form of , a bound noun meaning ‘thing’, often used with modifiers to nominalize the preceding clause or phrase.
    • 이다 is the verb ‘to be’, and is its casual conjugated form used in informal speech.
    • The pattern ᆯ 것이다 is commonly used to express future tense in Korean.
  15. 민준: 나 친구들이랑 노래방 갈까 생각 중이야.1
    Minjun: I’m thinking about going to a karaoke room with my friends.

    • means ‘middle’, ‘in the course of’, or ‘during’.
    • 이다 is the verb ‘to be’, and 이야 is its casual conjugated form used in informal speech.
    • Following a noun, 중이다 signifies being in the midst of a state or activity associated with that noun.
  16. 오른쪽과 왼쪽 멀리서 벽이 보이기 시작했을 때 기뻤어.2
    I was glad when I saw walls far away to the right and left.

    • 기쁘다 means ‘to be glad’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a casual ending used in informal speech.
  17. 체셔 고양이: “오, 넌 분명히 갈 곳이 있을 거야,” 고양이가 말했다, “오래 걷기만 하면 돼.”3
    Cheshire Cat: “Oh, you’re sure to find a place,’ said the cat, ‘as long as you walk long enough.”

    • is a contracted form of , a bound noun meaning ‘thing’, often used with modifiers to nominalize the preceding clause or phrase.
    • 이다 is the verb ‘to be’, and is its casual conjugated form used in informal speech.
    • The pattern 을 것 이다 is commonly used to express future tense in Korean.
  18. 지수: 나도 나의 아저씨 좋아해.5
    Jisoo: I also like ‘My Mister’.

    • 좋아하다 means ‘to like’. It is derived from the adjective 좋다 (to be good) using the pattern -아하다, which transforms adjectives into verbs to describe the feeling or perception of an emotion.
    • is a casual ending used in informal speech.
  19. 그래서 넌 분명히 세 개씩 먹었을 거야.”6
    So you surely must have eaten three at a time.”

    • is a contracted form of , a bound noun meaning ‘thing’, often used with modifiers to nominalize the preceding clause or phrase.
    • 이다 is the verb ‘to be’, and is its casual conjugated form used in informal speech.
    • The pattern 었을 것이다 is used to express strong speculation or assumption about a past event.


  1. Sentence from A Fun Weekend Ahead. 2 3

  2. Sentence from A Little Fable Story. 2 3

  3. Sentence from Alice And The Cheshire Cat Story. 2 3

  4. Sentence from Blue Breeze Song. 2

  5. Sentence from Exploring K Drama Favorites. 2 3

  6. Sentence from Lazaro And The Blind Man. 2 3

  7. Sentence from What Is On The Menu Tonight. 2

-아/어/여: Casual Ending
Korean Story Lab
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