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2 minutes
-씩: Distributive Particle
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Example Sentences#

  1. 다들 힘들게 사는데, 서로 도와주고 이해하면서 조금씩 변해가는 게 너무 좋았어.1
    While everyone lives with difficulty, I really liked how they help each other, understand each other, and gradually change.

    • 조금 means ‘a little’.
    • is a suffix indicating equal distribution or gradual progression.
  2. 우리가 번갈아 가며 하나씩 먹자.2
    Let’s take turns eating one at a time.

    • 하나 is the native Korean number for ‘one’.
    • is a suffix used mostly on counters to denote equal distribution and regularity.
  3. 두 사람 다 마음에 상처가 있는데, 서로 조금씩 나아지는 게 진짜 감동이었어.1
    Both of them were emotionally hurt, but seeing them gradually heal each other was truly touching.

    • 조금 means ‘a little’.
    • is a suffix indicating equal distribution or gradual progression.
  4. 하지만 얼마 지나지 않아 맹인은 두 개씩 집어먹기 시작했다.2
    But not long after, the blind man began eating two at a time.

    • is a counter for items.
    • is a suffix used mostly on counters to denote equal distribution and regularity.
  5. 이를 눈치챈 라사로도 맹인을 따라 두 개씩, 세 개씩 먹기 시작했다.2
    Noticing this, Lazaro also began eating two at a time, then three at a time, following the blind man’s example.

    • is a counter for items.
    • is a suffix used mostly on counters to denote equal distribution and regularity.
  6. 분명 네가 포도를 세 개씩 먹었을 거야.”2
    I’m sure you ate the grapes three at a time.”

    • is a counter for items.
    • is a suffix used mostly on counters to denote equal distribution and regularity.
  7. “내가 두 개씩 먹었는데도, 네가 아무 말이 없었잖아.2
    “Even though I ate two at a time, you didn’t say anything.

    • is a counter for items.
    • is a suffix used mostly on counters to denote equal distribution and regularity.
  8. 그래서 넌 분명히 세 개씩 먹었을 거야.”2
    So you surely must have eaten three at a time.”

    • is a counter for items.
    • is a suffix used mostly on counters to denote equal distribution and regularity.


  1. Sentence from Exploring K Drama Favorites. 2

  2. Sentence from Lazaro And The Blind Man. 2 3 4 5 6

-씩: Distributive Particle
Korean Story Lab
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