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-라고/다고/(ㄴ/는)다고: Quotative Marker
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Example Sentences#

  1. 앨리스: 앨리스는 이 말을 부정할 수 없다고 느껴서 다른 질문을 해 보았다.1
    Alice: Feeling that she couldn’t deny this, Alice asked another question.

    • 없다 means ‘to not exist’.
    • ㄹ 수 없다 forms a grammar pattern that expresses inability or impossibility.
    • -다고 is a quotative marker used to report speech or thoughts.
  2. 마을 사람들은 그에게 큰 불행이라고 말했습니다.2
    The villagers said to him it was a great misfortune.

    • 불행 means ‘misfortune’.
    • 이다 is the verb ‘to be’.
    • 라고 is a quotative marker, indicating that the phrase is being quoted or reported.
  3. 세상에서 가장 다행스러운 것은 인간의 마음이 모든 것을 연결하지 못하는 능력이라고 생각합니다.3
    I think the most fortunate thing in the world is the human mind’s inability to connect everything.

    • 능력 means ‘ability’ or ‘capability’.
    • 이다 is the verb ‘to be’.
    • 라고 is a quotative marker, indicating that the phrase is being quoted or reported.
  4. 그것은 숲의 오래된 영혼의 목소리였고, 타로에게 원하는 무엇이든 변할 수 있는 힘을 주겠다고 했습니다.4
    It was the voice of an old spirit of the forest, promising Taro the power to change anything he wanted.

    • 주다 means ‘to give’.
    • -겠- is a future tense marker indicating intention, expressing the speaker’s will or determination to perform the action.
    • -다고 is a quotative marker, indicating reported speech.
  5. 앨리스: 앨리스는 이 말이 전혀 증명되지 않는다고 생각했지만, 계속해서 물었다.1
    Alice: Alice thought that this statement was not proven at all, but she continued to ask.

    • 않다 is an auxiliary verb that makes the clause negative.
    • -는다고 is a quotative marker indicating reported speech or thought.
  6. 그러나 노인은 단지 “좋을 수도 있고, 나쁠 수도 있습니다”라고 대답했습니다.2
    However, the old man just answered, “It could be good, or it could be bad.”

    • 있다 means ‘to exist’ or ‘to be’.
    • ㄹ 수 있다 forms a grammar pattern that expresses ability or possibility. Adding implies this possibility exists alongside others, shifting the nuance from ‘can’ to ‘might’.
    • 습니다 is a formal polite ending used in declarative sentences.
    • 라고 is a quotative marker, indicating that the phrase is being quoted or reported.
  7. 그는 실망하여 태양이 되는 것이 진정한 힘이라고 생각하며 태양이 되기를 소원했습니다.4
    Disappointed, he wished to become the sun, believing it would give him true strength.

    • means ‘strength’.
    • 이다 is the verb ‘to be’.
    • 라고 is a quotative marker, indicating that the phrase is being quoted or reported.
  8. 마을 사람들은 이번에는 큰 행운이라고 말했습니다.2
    The villagers said this time it was a great fortune.

    • 행운 means ‘fortune’.
    • 이다 is the verb ‘to be’.
    • 라고 is a quotative marker, indicating that the phrase is being quoted or reported.
  9. 타로는 점점 더 절망을 느끼며, 산이 되면 정말로 강할 것이라고 확신했습니다.4
    Taro gradually felt more despair and was sure that if he became a mountain, he would truly be strong.

    • is a bound noun meaning ‘thing’, often used with modifiers to nominalize the preceding clause or phrase.
    • 이다 is the verb ‘to be’.
    • 라고 is a quotative marker, indicating that the phrase is being quoted or reported.
  10. 하지만 노인은 다시 “좋을 수도 있고, 나쁠 수도 있습니다”라고 대답했습니다.2
    But the old man again answered, “It could be good, or it could be bad.”

    • 있다 means ‘to exist’ or ‘to be’.
    • ㄹ 수 있다 forms a grammar pattern that expresses ability or possibility. Adding implies this possibility exists alongside others, shifting the nuance from ‘can’ to ‘might’.
    • 습니다 is a formal polite ending used in declarative sentences.
    • 라고 is a quotative marker, indicating that the phrase is being quoted or reported.
  11. 오래된 산이 된 타로는 영원히 강할 것이라고 느꼈습니다.4
    Taro, who had become an old mountain, felt that he would be strong forever.

    • is a bound noun meaning ‘thing’, often used with modifiers to nominalize the preceding clause or phrase.
    • 이다 is the verb ‘to be’.
    • 라고 is a quotative marker, indicating that the phrase is being quoted or reported.
  12. 마을 사람들은 이번에는 큰 불행이라고 말했습니다.2
    The villagers said this time it was a great misfortune.

    • 불행 means ‘misfortune’.
    • 이다 is the verb ‘to be’.
    • 라고 is a quotative marker, indicating that the phrase is being quoted or reported.
  13. 그러나 노인은 여전히 “좋을 수도 있고, 나쁠 수도 있습니다”라고 대답했습니다.2
    However, the old man still answered, “It could be good, or it could be bad.”

    • 있다 means ‘to exist’ or ‘to be’.
    • ㄹ 수 있다 forms a grammar pattern that expresses ability or possibility. Adding implies this possibility exists alongside others, shifting the nuance from ‘can’ to ‘might’.
    • 습니다 is a formal polite ending used in declarative sentences.
    • 라고 is a quotative marker, indicating that the phrase is being quoted or reported.


  1. Sentence from Alice And The Cheshire Cat Story. 2

  2. Sentence from Bad Luck Good Luck Story. 2 3 4 5 6

  3. Sentence from The Call Of Cthulhu Opening Story.

  4. Sentence from The Stonecutter Journey Story. 2 3 4

-라고/다고/(ㄴ/는)다고: Quotative Marker
Korean Story Lab
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