117 words
1 minutes
-더라고(요): Expressing Personal Observation or Experience
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Example Sentences#

  1. 감정이 너무 깊게 와닿더라고.1
    The emotions touched me so deeply.
    • 와닿다 is a compound verb formed from 오다 (to come) and 닿다 (to touch or reach), meaning ‘to come and touch’. It is used idiomatically to express ‘to resonate’ or ‘to touch emotionally’.
    • -더라고 is a grammar pattern used to report a personal observation or experience from the past. It’s composed of -더- (a retrospective suffix conveying past personal experience or observation) and -라고 (a quotative marker grammaticalized as a sentence-final ending in this structure to report the speaker’s inner thoughts or experiences).


  1. Sentence from Exploring K Drama Favorites.

-더라고(요): Expressing Personal Observation or Experience
Korean Story Lab
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