1628 words
8 minutes
-다: Plain Narrative Form
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Example Sentences#

  1. “아, 이럴 수가,” 쥐가 말했다.1
    “Ah, how could this be,” the mouse said.

    • 말하다 means ‘to say’ or ‘to speak’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  2. 체셔 고양이: “그건 네가 어디로 가고 싶은지에 달려 있어,” 고양이가 말했다.2
    Cheshire Cat: “That depends on where you want to go,” said the cat.

    • 말하다 means ‘to say’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  3. 어느 날, 라사로와 맹인은 알모록스라는 마을에 도착했다.3
    One day, Lazaro and the blind man arrived in a village called Almorox.

    • 도착하다 means ‘to arrive’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative ending used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  4. 두 명의 스님, 한 명은 나이 든 스님이고 다른 한 명은 젊은 스님이 함께 여행하고 있었다.4
    Two monks, one old and one young, were traveling together.

    • 있다 means ‘to exist’ or ‘to be’.
    • -고 있다 is a grammar pattern used to indicate a continuous or ongoing action.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  5. “방향만 바꾸면 돼,” 고양이가 말했고, 쥐를 잡아먹었다.1
    “You only need to change your direction,” said the cat, and ate it up.

    • 잡아먹다 is a compound verb formed by 잡다 (to catch) and 먹다 (to eat), meaning ‘to catch and eat’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  6. 앨리스: “어디든 상관없어요—” 앨리스가 말했다.2
    Alice: “I don’t care where—” said Alice.

    • 말하다 means ‘to say’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  7. 그곳에서 한 농부가 맹인에게 포도 한 송이를 건네주었다.3
    There, a farmer handed a bunch of grapes to the blind man.

    • 건네주다 means ‘to hand over’ or ‘to pass’. It is formed by combining 건네다 (to hand over) with the pattern -어 주다, where 주다 (to give) adds the nuance of doing the action for someone else.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative ending used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  8. 어느 날 그들은 강 옆에 도착했는데, 그곳에는 젊고 아름다운 여자가 강을 건너려 하다가 어려움을 겪고 있었다.4
    One day, they arrived beside a river, where there was a young and beautiful woman having difficulty trying to cross the river.

    • 있다 means ‘to exist’ or ‘to be’.
    • -고 있다 is a grammar pattern used to indicate a continuous or ongoing action.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  9. 체셔 고양이: “그럼 어느 쪽으로 가든 상관없어,” 고양이가 말했다.2
    Cheshire Cat: “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the cat.

    • 말하다 means ‘to say’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  10. 포도가 너무 잘 익어서 가방에 넣을 수 없었기에, 맹인은 그 자리에서 라사로와 함께 포도를 나누어 먹기로 결심했다.3
    The grapes were so ripe that they couldn’t be put in the bag, so the blind man decided to share them on the spot with Lazaro.

    • 결심하다 means ‘to determine’ or ‘to make up one’s mind’.
    • -기로 하다 is a grammar pattern used to express a deliberate decision or a determined course of action, and the verb 하다 (to do) carries the meaning of 결정하다 (to decide) in this context. This pattern can also be combined with verbs like 결심하다 to emphasize the act of making a firm decision.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative ending used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  11. 여자는 스님들에게 강을 건너는 것을 도와달라고 부탁했다.4
    The woman asked the monks to help her cross the river.

    • 부탁하다 means ‘to request’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  12. 앨리스: “—어디든 가기만 하면 돼요,” 앨리스가 덧붙였다.2
    Alice: “—so long as I get somewhere,” Alice added.

    • 덧붙이다 means ‘to add’.
    • 었다 is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  13. 맹인이 라사로에게 말했다.3
    The blind man said to Lazaro:

    • 말하다 means ‘to say’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  14. 두 스님은 서로를 바라보았다.4
    The two monks looked at each other.

    • 바라보다 is a compound verb formed from 바라다 (to stare or gaze) and 보다 (to see), meaning ‘to look straight at something’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  15. 체셔 고양이: “오, 넌 분명히 갈 곳이 있을 거야,” 고양이가 말했다, “오래 걷기만 하면 돼.”2
    Cheshire Cat: “Oh, you’re sure to find a place,’ said the cat, ‘as long as you walk long enough.”

    • 말하다 means ‘to say’.
    • 였다 is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  16. 라사로는 맹인의 제안을 받아들여 둘은 포도를 먹기 시작했다.3
    Lazaro accepted the blind man’s suggestion, and the two began eating the grapes.

    • 시작하다 means ‘to begin’ or ‘to start’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative ending used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  17. 그들은 여자를 만지지 않기로 다짐했기 때문이다.4
    They had promised not to touch a woman.

    • 때문 is a dependent noun meaning ‘cause’ or ‘reason’, used after a noun or a nominalized clause to express the cause or reason for something.
    • 이다 is the verb ‘to be’.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  18. 앨리스: 앨리스는 이 말을 부정할 수 없다고 느껴서 다른 질문을 해 보았다.2
    Alice: Feeling that she couldn’t deny this, Alice asked another question.

    • 보다 means ‘to see’ or ‘to try’.
    • -여 보다 is used to indicate that one attempts or tests the action described in the preceding statement.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  19. 하지만 얼마 지나지 않아 맹인은 두 개씩 집어먹기 시작했다.3
    But not long after, the blind man began eating two at a time.

    • 시작하다 means ‘to begin’ or ‘to start’.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative ending used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
  20. 그때 나이 든 스님은 아무 말 없이 여자를 들어 강을 건너게 도와주고, 다른 쪽에 내려놓은 후 다시 길을 떠났다.4
    At that moment, the old monk picked up the woman without a word, helped her cross the river, set her down on the other side, and resumed the journey.

    • 떠나다 means ‘to leave’.
    • 길을 떠나다 is an expression that means to embark on or resume a journey. In this context, it implies continuing the journey after a brief stop or action.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.


  1. Sentence from A Little Fable Story. 2

  2. Sentence from Alice And The Cheshire Cat Story. 2 3 4 5 6

  3. Sentence from Lazaro And The Blind Man. 2 3 4 5 6

  4. Sentence from The Girl At The River Story. 2 3 4 5 6

-다: Plain Narrative Form
Korean Story Lab
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