423 words
2 minutes
-기로 하다: Decide to
Example Sentences
포도가 너무 잘 익어서 가방에 넣을 수 없었기에, 맹인은 그 자리에서 라사로와 함께 포도를 나누어 먹기로 결심했다.1
The grapes were so ripe that they couldn’t be put in the bag, so the blind man decided to share them on the spot with Lazaro.- 결심하다 means ‘to determine’ or ‘to make up one’s mind’.
- -기로 하다 is a grammar pattern used to express a deliberate decision or a determined course of action, and the verb 하다 (to do) carries the meaning of 결정하다 (to decide) in this context. This pattern can also be combined with verbs like 결심하다 to emphasize the act of making a firm decision.
- 였 is a past tense marker.
- 다 is a plain narrative ending used in writing to state facts or narrate events.
그들은 여자를 만지지 않기로 다짐했기 때문이다.2
They had promised not to touch a woman.- 다짐하다 means ‘to promise’.
- -기로 하다 is a grammar pattern used to express a deliberate decision or a determined course of action, and the verb 하다 (to do) carries the meaning of 결정하다 (to decide) in this context. This pattern can also be combined with other verbs like 다짐하다 to convey a sense of making a promise or resolution.
- 였 is a past tense marker.
- -기 is a nominalizing suffix, turning the verb into a noun form.
“스님, 우리는 여자를 만지지 않기로 했는데, 어떻게 그 여자를 들어 건너셨습니까?”2
“We promised not to touch a woman. How could you carry her across the river?”- 하다 means ‘to do’.
- -기로 하다 is a grammar pattern used to express a deliberate decision or a determined course of action, and the verb 하다 (to do) carries the meaning of 결정하다 (to decide) in this context.
- 였 is a past tense marker.
- -는데 is a connective ending that provides background information or sets the scene for what follows. It can also express contrast, surprise, or hesitation.
Sentence from Lazaro And The Blind Man. ↩
Sentence from The Girl At The River Story. ↩ ↩2
-기로 하다: Decide to기로-하다-decide-to/