196 words
1 minutes
-기 때문에/때문이다: Because of
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Example Sentences#

  1. 한 사람은 저녁 식사에 너무 오랜 시간을 보내고, 다른 사람은 감기에 걸려 계속 코를 풀기 때문입니다.1
    One because he spends too much time at dinner, and another because he has a cold and keeps on blowing his nose.

    • 때문 is a dependent noun meaning ‘cause’ or ‘reason’, used after a noun or a nominalized clause to express the cause or reason for something.
    • 이다 is the verb ‘to be’.
    • ㅂ니다 is a formal polite ending used in declarative sentences.
  2. 그들은 여자를 만지지 않기로 다짐했기 때문이다.2
    They had promised not to touch a woman.

    • 때문 is a dependent noun meaning ‘cause’ or ‘reason’, used after a noun or a nominalized clause to express the cause or reason for something.
    • 이다 is the verb ‘to be’.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.


  1. Sentence from Father Zossima Counsel Story.

  2. Sentence from The Girl At The River Story.

-기 때문에/때문이다: Because of
Korean Story Lab
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