1325 words
7 minutes
-기: Nominalizer
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Example Sentences#

  1. 처음에는 너무 넓어서 두려웠고, 계속 달리기만 했어.1
    At the beginning it was so big that I was afraid, and I kept running and running.

    • 달리다 means ‘to run’.
    • -기 is a nominalizing suffix that turns the verb into a noun form, allowing for the use of particles like .
    • is a particle meaning ‘only’ or ‘just’.
  2. 앨리스: “—어디든 가기만 하면 돼요,” 앨리스가 덧붙였다.2
    Alice: “—so long as I get somewhere,” Alice added.

    • 가다 means ‘to go’.
    • -기 is a nominalizer, turning the verb into a noun form.
    • -만 is a particle meaning ‘only’ or ‘just’.
  3. 이십사 시간 안에 저는 최고의 사람도 미워하기 시작합니다.3
    Within twenty-four hours, I start to hate even the best of people:

    • 미워하다 means ‘to hate’. It is derived from the adjective 밉다 (to be hateful) using the pattern -어하다, which transforms adjectives into verbs to describe the feeling or perception of an emotion from an external viewpoint.
    • -기 is a nominalizing suffix, turning the verb into a noun form.
  4. 포도가 너무 잘 익어서 가방에 넣을 수 없었기에, 맹인은 그 자리에서 라사로와 함께 포도를 나누어 먹기로 결심했다.4
    The grapes were so ripe that they couldn’t be put in the bag, so the blind man decided to share them on the spot with Lazaro.

    • 먹다 means ‘to eat’.
    • -기 is a nominalizing suffix, turning the verb into a noun form.
    • -로 is a particle indicating method or means, marking a decision in this context.
  5. 그들은 여자를 만지지 않기로 다짐했기 때문이다.5
    They had promised not to touch a woman.

    • 않다 is an auxiliary verb that makes the clause negative.
    • -기 is a nominalizing suffix, turning the verb into a noun form.
    • -로 is a particle indicating method or means, marking a decision in this context.
  6. 그는 마을의 지도자의 멋진 행사를 보고 질투를 느꼈고, 더 큰 힘을 원하여 지도자가 되기를 원했습니다.6
    He felt jealous after seeing the village leader’s wonderful event, and wanted greater power to become a leader.

    • 되다 means ‘to become’.
    • -기 is a nominalizing suffix, turning the verb into a noun form.
    • is the object marker.
  7. 오른쪽과 왼쪽 멀리서 벽이 보이기 시작했을 때 기뻤어.1
    I was glad when I saw walls far away to the right and left.

    • 보이다 is the passive form of 보다 (to see), where the suffix -이- is added to create a passive or causative verb, meaning ‘to be seen’ or ‘to appear’.
    • -기 is a nominalizing suffix, turning the verb into a noun form.
  8. 체셔 고양이: “오, 넌 분명히 갈 곳이 있을 거야,” 고양이가 말했다, “오래 걷기만 하면 돼.”2
    Cheshire Cat: “Oh, you’re sure to find a place,’ said the cat, ‘as long as you walk long enough.”

    • 걷다 means ‘to walk’.
    • -기 is a nominalizer, turning the verb into a noun form.
    • -만 is a particle meaning ‘only’ or ‘just’.
  9. 한 사람은 저녁 식사에 너무 오랜 시간을 보내고, 다른 사람은 감기에 걸려 계속 코를 풀기 때문입니다.3
    One because he spends too much time at dinner, and another because he has a cold and keeps on blowing his nose.

    • 풀다 means ‘to blow (one’s nose)’.
    • -기 is a nominalizing suffix, turning the verb into a noun form.
  10. 라사로는 맹인의 제안을 받아들여 둘은 포도를 먹기 시작했다.4
    Lazaro accepted the blind man’s suggestion, and the two began eating the grapes.

    • 먹다 means ‘to eat’.
    • -기 is a nominalizing suffix, turning the verb into a noun form.
  11. “스님, 우리는 여자를 만지지 않기로 했는데, 어떻게 그 여자를 들어 건너셨습니까?”5
    “We promised not to touch a woman. How could you carry her across the river?”

    • 않다 is an auxiliary verb that makes the clause negative.
    • -기 is a nominalizing suffix, turning the verb into a noun form.
    • -로 is a particle indicating method or means, marking a decision in this context.
  12. 하지만 곧, 만족하지 못하는 마음이 그를 괴롭히기 시작했습니다.6
    But soon, dissatisfaction began to torment him.

    • 괴롭히다 means ‘to torment’. It is derived from the adjective 괴롭다 (to be painful or distressing) with the causative suffix -히- added.
    • -기 is a nominalizing suffix, turning the verb into a noun form.
  13. 하지만 얼마 지나지 않아 맹인은 두 개씩 집어먹기 시작했다.4
    But not long after, the blind man began eating two at a time.

    • 집어먹다 is a compound verb combining 집다 (to pick up) and 먹다 (to eat), meaning ‘to pick up and eat’.
    • -기 is a nominalizing suffix, turning the verb into a noun form.
  14. 그는 실망하여 태양이 되는 것이 진정한 힘이라고 생각하며 태양이 되기를 소원했습니다.6
    Disappointed, he wished to become the sun, believing it would give him true strength.

    • 되다 means ‘to become’.
    • -기 is a nominalizing suffix, turning the verb into a noun form.
    • is the object marker.
  15. 이를 눈치챈 라사로도 맹인을 따라 두 개씩, 세 개씩 먹기 시작했다.4
    Noticing this, Lazaro also began eating two at a time, then three at a time, following the blind man’s example.

    • 먹다 means ‘to eat’.
    • -기 is a nominalizing suffix, turning the verb into a noun form.
  16. 그는 결심하여 구름이 되기를 원했습니다.6
    He decided that he wanted to become a cloud.

    • 되다 means ‘to become’.
    • -기 is a nominalizing suffix, turning the verb into a noun form.
    • is the object marker.
  17. 그의 힘은 사라져서 조절하기 어려운 상태가 되었습니다.6
    His power disappeared, leaving him in a state where it was difficult to maintain control.

    • 조절하다 means ‘to control’.
    • -기 is a nominalizing suffix, turning the verb into a noun form.
  18. 바람의 힘을 깨달은 타로는 바람이 되기를 원했습니다.6
    Realizing the wind’s power, Taro wished to become it.

    • 되다 means ‘to become’.
    • -기 is a nominalizing suffix, turning the verb into a noun form.
    • is the object marker.


  1. Sentence from A Little Fable Story. 2

  2. Sentence from Alice And The Cheshire Cat Story. 2

  3. Sentence from Father Zossima Counsel Story. 2

  4. Sentence from Lazaro And The Blind Man. 2 3 4

  5. Sentence from The Girl At The River Story. 2

  6. Sentence from The Stonecutter Journey Story. 2 3 4 5 6

-기: Nominalizer
Korean Story Lab
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