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2 minutes
-게 되다: To End Up Doing/To Come To (Do/Be)
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Example Sentences#

  1. 저는 인류 전체를 사랑할수록 특정 사람을 덜 사랑하게 됩니다.1
    The more I love humanity, the less I come to love any particular person.

    • 되다 means ‘to become’.
    • -게 되다 is an expression used to indicate that something will become the state or situation mentioned in the preceding statement.
    • ㅂ니다 is a formal polite ending used in declarative sentences.
  2. 그러나 언젠가 이 떨어져 있는 지식들이 모이면, 현실의 무서운 모습을 드러내고, 그 속에서 우리의 무서운 위치를 알게 되어 우리는 그 사실로 인해 미쳐버리거나 그 빛을 피해 새로운 어두운 시대의 평화와 안전 속으로 도망칠 것입니다.2
    However, someday, if these separate pieces of knowledge come together, they will reveal the fearful reality, and in that, we will come to know our terrifying position and either go mad or flee into the peace and safety of a new dark age, avoiding the light.

    • 되다 means ‘to become’.
    • -게 되다 is an expression used to indicate that something will become the state or situation mentioned in the preceding statement.
    • -어서 is a connective ending that indicates a sequence of related events or cause and effect. In this context, is omitted.
  3. 사람들이 가까이 오면 저는 즉시 싫어하게 됩니다.1
    When people get close to me, I immediately start to dislike them.

    • 되다 means ‘to become’.
    • -게 되다 is an expression used to indicate that something will become the state or situation mentioned in the preceding statement.
    • ㅂ니다 is a formal polite ending used in declarative sentences.
  4. 하지만 특정 사람을 미워할수록 인류 전체를 더욱 사랑하게 되는 것은 언제나 그래왔습니다.1
    But the more I hate any particular person, the more I come to love humanity as a whole, and it has always been so.

    • 되다 means ‘to become’.
    • -게 되다 is an expression used to indicate that something will become the state or situation mentioned in the preceding statement.
    • is a present tense modifier that makes the preceding statement function as an adnominal phrase describing the following noun.


  1. Sentence from Father Zossima Counsel Story. 2 3

  2. Sentence from The Call Of Cthulhu Opening Story.

-게 되다: To End Up Doing/To Come To (Do/Be)
Korean Story Lab
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