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1 minutes
-거리다: Indicates Repeated Action
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Example Sentences#

  1. “개는 화가 나면 으르렁거리고, 기쁘면 꼬리를 흔들어.1
    “When a dog gets angry, it growls, and when it’s happy, it wags its tail.

    • 으르렁거리다 means ‘to growl’ or ‘to snarl’, where 으르렁 is an onomatopoeic word mimicking the sound of growling, and -거리다 is a suffix that forms a frequentative verb, indicating that the action is repetitive or continuous.
    • -고 is a connective ending used to link two actions or states, meaning ‘and’, or to join the main verb to auxiliary verbs.
  2. 그런데 나는 기쁠 때 으르렁거리고, 화가 나면 꼬리를 흔들어.1
    But I growl when I’m happy, and I wag my tail when I’m angry.

    • 으르렁거리다 means ‘to growl’ or ‘to snarl’, where 으르렁 is an onomatopoeic word mimicking the sound of growling, and -거리다 is a suffix that forms a frequentative verb, indicating that the action is repetitive or continuous.
    • -고 is a connective ending used to link two actions or states, meaning ‘and’, or to join the main verb to auxiliary verbs.


  1. Sentence from Alice And The Cheshire Cat Story. 2

-거리다: Indicates Repeated Action
Korean Story Lab
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