342 words
2 minutes
-지 못하다: Cannot/Unable to
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Example Sentences#

  1. 세상에서 가장 다행스러운 것은 인간의 마음이 모든 것을 연결하지 못하는 능력이라고 생각합니다.1
    I think the most fortunate thing in the world is the human mind’s inability to connect everything.

    • 연결하다 means ‘to connect’.
    • is part of the negation pattern -지 못하다, an expression used to indicate that the state mentioned in the preceding statement cannot be attained.
  2. 비록 그는 새로운 삶을 즐겼지만, 그의 만족은 오래가지 못했습니다.2
    Although he enjoyed his new life, his satisfaction did not last long.

    • 오래가다 is a compound verb meaning ‘to last long’, combining 오래 (for a long time) and 가다 (to go).
    • is part of the negation pattern -지 못하다, an expression used to indicate that the state mentioned in the preceding statement cannot be attained.
  3. 하지만 곧, 만족하지 못하는 마음이 그를 괴롭히기 시작했습니다.2
    But soon, dissatisfaction began to torment him.

    • 만족하다 means ‘to be satisfied’.
    • is part of the negation pattern -지 못하다, an expression used to indicate that the state mentioned in the preceding statement cannot be attained.
  4. 그러나 그의 만족은 오래가지 못했습니다.2
    But his satisfaction did not last long.

    • 오래가다 is a compound verb meaning ‘to last long’, combining 오래 (for a long time) and 가다 (to go).
    • is part of the negation pattern -지 못하다, an expression used to indicate that the state mentioned in the preceding statement cannot be attained.


  1. Sentence from The Call Of Cthulhu Opening Story.

  2. Sentence from The Stonecutter Journey Story. 2 3

-지 못하다: Cannot/Unable to
Korean Story Lab
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