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-적: Adjective-forming Suffix
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Example Sentences#

  1. 큰 사건도 없는데, 사람들 이야기가 너무 진짜 같고, 그래서 더 감동적이었어.1
    Even though there’s no big event, the people’s stories seem so real, so it was more touching.

    • 감동적 means ‘touching’ or ‘moving’. It’s composed of 감동 (strong feelings or deep emotion) and the suffix -적, which turns a noun into a descriptive term meaning ‘relating to’ or ‘having the properties of’.
    • 이다 is the copula meaning ‘to be’.
    • is the past tense marker.
    • is a casual ending used in informal speech.
  2. 그래서 더 현실적으로 느껴졌어.1
    So it felt more realistic.

    • 현실적 is composed of 현실 (reality) and the suffix -적, which turns a noun into a descriptive term meaning ‘relating to’ or ‘having the properties of’, thus meaning ‘realistic’.
    • 으로 is a versatile particle with multiple uses. In this context, it’s functioning as an adverbial marker, indicating the manner or way in which something is done, similar to the ‘-ly’ suffix in English.
  3. 근데 그게 되게 매력적이었어.1
    But it was very attractive.

    • 매력적 means ‘charming’ or ‘attractive’, formed by combining 매력 (charm) with the suffix -적 which indicates ‘relating to’ or ‘having the quality of’.
    • 이다 is the copula ‘to be’.
    • is the past tense marker.
    • is a casual ending used in informal speech.
  4. 가끔 어두운 부분도 있지만, 그래도 희망적인 부분이 있어서 좋았어.1
    Although there were some dark parts at times, I still liked that there were hopeful parts.

    • 희망적 means ‘hopeful’, derived from 희망 (hope) and the suffix -적, which turns a noun into a descriptive term meaning ‘relating to’ or ‘having the properties of’.
    • 이다 is the copula ‘to be’.
    • -ㄴ is a modifier that makes the preceding statement function as an adnominal phrase describing the following noun.
  5. 태민: 나의 아저씨는 현실적이고 감동을 주는 드라마고, 사이코지만 괜찮아는 독특하고 따뜻한 느낌이 있는 드라마인 것 같아.1
    Taemin: I think ‘My Mister’ is a realistic and touching drama, while ‘It’s Okay to Not Be Okay’ is a drama with a unique and warm feeling.

    • 현실적 means ‘realistic’, derived from 현실 (reality) and the suffix -적, which turns a noun into a descriptive term meaning ‘relating to’ or ‘having the properties of’.
    • 이다 is the copula ‘to be’.
    • -고 is a connective ending used to link two actions or states, meaning ‘and’, or to join the main verb to auxiliary verbs.


  1. Sentence from Exploring K Drama Favorites. 2 3 4 5

-적: Adjective-forming Suffix
Korean Story Lab
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