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에서: Location Particle "From/At/In"
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Example Sentences#

  1. 민준: 오케이, 그럼 이번 주말엔 한강에서 자전거 타고 치맥 먹는 걸로!1
    Minjun: Okay, then this weekend, let’s ride bikes at the Han River and have chicken and beer!

    • 한강 is a proper noun referring to the Han River in South Korea. (Han) is thought to derive from an ancient word meaning ‘great’ or ‘big’, and means ‘river’.
    • 에서 is a particle indicating the place where an action occurs.
  2. 오른쪽과 왼쪽 멀리서 벽이 보이기 시작했을 때 기뻤어.2
    I was glad when I saw walls far away to the right and left.

    • 멀리 means ‘far’.
    • is a shortened form of the particle 에서, indicating location, meaning ‘from’.
  3. 앨리스: “여기서 어느 쪽으로 가야 할지 말씀해 주시겠어요?”3
    Alice: “Would you please tell me which way I should go from here?”

    • 여기 means ‘here’.
    • is a contraction of 에서, a location particle indicating the starting point of an action, similar to ‘from’.
  4. 꿈속에서 저는 종종 인류를 위해 봉사할 계획을 세우곤 합니다.4
    In my dreams, I often make plans to serve humanity.

    • 꿈속 is a compound word consisting of meaning ‘dream’ and meaning ‘inside’. Together, they form ‘inside a dream’.
    • 에서 is a particle indicating the place where an action occurs.
  5. 그곳에서 한 농부가 맹인에게 포도 한 송이를 건네주었다.5
    There, a farmer handed a bunch of grapes to the blind man.

    • means ‘that’.
    • means ‘place’.
    • 에서 is a particle indicating the place where an action occurs.
  6. 소음 속에서 잊혀진 날 찾아6
    Searching for myself, forgotten in the noise

    • means ‘inside’ or ‘within’.
    • 에서 is a particle indicating the place where an action occurs.
  7. 세상에서 가장 다행스러운 것은 인간의 마음이 모든 것을 연결하지 못하는 능력이라고 생각합니다.7
    I think the most fortunate thing in the world is the human mind’s inability to connect everything.

    • 세상 means ‘world’.
    • 에서 is a particle indicating the place where an action occurs.
  8. 어느 저녁, 그는 오래된 나무 아래에서 쉬고 있을 때, 나뭇잎 사이로 신비한 목소리가 들려왔습니다.8
    One evening, while he was resting under an old tree, he heard a mysterious voice through the leaves.

    • 아래 means ‘below’ or ‘under’.
    • 에서 is a particle indicating the place where an action occurs.
  9. 하지만 저는 다른 사람과 함께 방 안에서 이틀 동안 지내는 것조차 견딜 수 없습니다.4
    But I can’t even endure staying with other people in a room for two days.

    • means ‘inside’.
    • 에서 is a particle indicating the place where an action occurs.
  10. 포도가 너무 잘 익어서 가방에 넣을 수 없었기에, 맹인은 그 자리에서 라사로와 함께 포도를 나누어 먹기로 결심했다.5
    The grapes were so ripe that they couldn’t be put in the bag, so the blind man decided to share them on the spot with Lazaro.

    • 자리 means ‘place’ or ‘spot’.
    • 에서 is a particle indicating the place where an action occurs.
  11. 손에서 흩어지는 모래6
    Sand slipping through my clenched fingers

    • means ‘hand’.
    • 에서 is a particle indicating the place where an action occurs or the source from which something originates.
  12. 그러나 언젠가 이 떨어져 있는 지식들이 모이면, 현실의 무서운 모습을 드러내고, 그 속에서 우리의 무서운 위치를 알게 되어 우리는 그 사실로 인해 미쳐버리거나 그 빛을 피해 새로운 어두운 시대의 평화와 안전 속으로 도망칠 것입니다.7
    However, someday, if these separate pieces of knowledge come together, they will reveal the fearful reality, and in that, we will come to know our terrifying position and either go mad or flee into the peace and safety of a new dark age, avoiding the light.

    • means ‘inside’.
    • 에서 is a particle indicating the place where an action occurs.
  13. 하지만, 변할 때마다 그의 삶에서 시간이 줄어든다는 조건이 있었습니다.8
    However, there was a condition that every time he changed, time in his life would decrease.

    • means ‘life’.
    • 에서 is a particle indicating location or source.
  14. 다음 날 아침, 그는 큰 집에서 깨어났습니다.8
    The next morning, he woke up in a big house.

    • means ‘house’.
    • 에서 is a particle indicating the place where an action occurs.
  15. 멈춘 시계 위에서 가벼워지는 발걸음6
    Footsteps growing lighter upon the stopped clock

    • means ‘above’ or ‘on top’.
    • 에서 is a particle indicating the place where an action occurs.
  16. 그러나 어느 날, 그는 자신의 옆에서 익숙한 소리를 들었습니다.8
    But one day, he heard a familiar sound next to him.

    • means ‘side’.
    • 에서 is a particle indicating the place where an action occurs.


  1. Sentence from A Fun Weekend Ahead.

  2. Sentence from A Little Fable Story.

  3. Sentence from Alice And The Cheshire Cat Story.

  4. Sentence from Father Zossima Counsel Story. 2

  5. Sentence from Lazaro And The Blind Man. 2

  6. Sentence from Shattered Pieces Song. 2 3

  7. Sentence from The Call Of Cthulhu Opening Story. 2

  8. Sentence from The Stonecutter Journey Story. 2 3 4

에서: Location Particle "From/At/In"
Korean Story Lab
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