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3 minutes
에게: Dative Particle "To/For"
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Example Sentences#

  1. 마을 사람들은 그에게 큰 불행이라고 말했습니다.1
    The villagers said to him it was a great misfortune.

    • means ‘he’.
    • 에게 is a particle indicating the recipient of an action.
  2. 네가 내게 다가오는 걸까?2
    Could it be you, coming closer to me?

    • 내게 is the combination of , the informal first-person pronoun meaning ‘I’, and 에게, a particle indicating the indirect object of an action, meaning ‘to’.
  3. 그곳에서 한 농부가 맹인에게 포도 한 송이를 건네주었다.3
    There, a farmer handed a bunch of grapes to the blind man.

    • 맹인 means ‘blind person’.
    • 에게 is a particle used to indicate the indirect object of the verb, often translated as ‘to’ in English.
  4. 우리는 끝없는 검은 바다 한가운데 있는 고요한 무지의 섬에 살고 있으며, 멀리 나가는 것은 우리에게 맞지 않았습니다.4
    We live on a quiet island of ignorance in the middle of an endless black sea, and it was not meant for us to venture far.

    • 우리 means ‘we’ or ‘us’.
    • 에게 is a particle indicating the indirect object of an action, meaning ‘to’ or ‘for’.
  5. 여자는 스님들에게 강을 건너는 것을 도와달라고 부탁했다.5
    The woman asked the monks to help her cross the river.

    • 스님 means ‘monk’.
    • is a plural marker.
    • 에게 is a particle indicating the indirect object, meaning ‘to’.
  6. 그것은 숲의 오래된 영혼의 목소리였고, 타로에게 원하는 무엇이든 변할 수 있는 힘을 주겠다고 했습니다.6
    It was the voice of an old spirit of the forest, promising Taro the power to change anything he wanted.

    • 타로 is a proper noun.
    • 에게 is a particle indicating the recipient of an action.
  7. 조금만 더 내게 다가와 봐2
    Come a little closer to me

    • 내게 is the combination of , the informal first-person pronoun meaning ‘I’, and 에게, a particle indicating the indirect object of an action, meaning ‘to’.
  8. 맹인이 라사로에게 말했다.3
    The blind man said to Lazaro:

    • 라사로 is the Korean transliteration of ‘Lazaro,’ a proper noun.
    • 에게 is a particle used to indicate the indirect object of the verb, often translated as ‘to’ in English.
  9. 과학은 각자 다른 방향으로 나아가고 있으며, 지금까지는 우리에게 큰 해를 끼치지 않았습니다.4
    Each science is progressing in different directions and has not caused us great harm until now.

    • 우리 means ‘we’ or ‘us’.
    • 에게 is a particle indicating the indirect object of an action, meaning ‘to’ or ‘for’.


  1. Sentence from Bad Luck Good Luck Story.

  2. Sentence from Blue Breeze Song. 2

  3. Sentence from Lazaro And The Blind Man. 2

  4. Sentence from The Call Of Cthulhu Opening Story. 2

  5. Sentence from The Girl At The River Story.

  6. Sentence from The Stonecutter Journey Story.

에게: Dative Particle "To/For"
Korean Story Lab
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