139 words
1 minutes
길을 떠나다: To Set Off on a Journey
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Example Sentences#

  1. 그때 나이 든 스님은 아무 말 없이 여자를 들어 강을 건너게 도와주고, 다른 쪽에 내려놓은 후 다시 길을 떠났다.1
    At that moment, the old monk picked up the woman without a word, helped her cross the river, set her down on the other side, and resumed the journey.
    • 떠나다 means ‘to leave’.
    • 길을 떠나다 is an expression that means to embark on or resume a journey. In this context, it implies continuing the journey after a brief stop or action.
    • is a past tense marker.
    • is a plain narrative form used in writing to state facts or narrate events.


  1. Sentence from The Girl At The River Story.

길을 떠나다: To Set Off on a Journey
Korean Story Lab
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