6241 words
31 minutes
Exploring K-Drama Favorites
Vocabulary List
요즘Common Noun Elementary
보다Verb Elementary
드라마Common Noun Elementary
Dependent Noun Elementary
Pronoun Elementary
제일General Adverb Elementary
기억Common Noun Elementary
남다Verb Elementary
Pronoun Elementary
아저씨Common Noun Elementary
진짜General Adverb Elementary
좋다Adjective Elementary
너무General Adverb Elementary
깊다Adjective Elementary
오다Verb Elementary
Pronoun Elementary
하다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
크다Adjective Elementary
없다Adjective Elementary
사람Common Noun Elementary
이야기Common Noun Elementary
같다Adjective Elementary
그래서Conjunctive Adverb Elementary
General Adverb Elementary
이다Copula Elementary
맞다Verb Elementary
General Adverb Elementary
힘들다Adjective Elementary
살다Verb Elementary
서로General Adverb Elementary
돕다Verb Elementary
주다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
이해Common Noun Elementary
하다Verb Suffix Elementary
조금Common Noun Elementary
변하다Verb Elementary
가다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
Dependent Noun Elementary
따뜻하다Adjective Elementary
느낌Common Noun Elementary
Determiner Elementary
Determiner Elementary
상처Common Noun Elementary
많다Adjective Elementary
그냥General Adverb Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
있다Verb Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
되다Verb Elementary
보이다Verb Elementary
Interjection Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
느끼다Verb Elementary
지다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
그리고Conjunctive Adverb Elementary
특히General Adverb Elementary
여자Common Noun Elementary
다르다Adjective Elementary
있다Adjective Elementary
성격Common Noun Elementary
행동Common Noun Elementary
보통Common Noun Elementary
General Adverb Elementary
그것Pronoun Elementary
남자Common Noun Elementary
General Adverb Elementary
착하다Adjective Elementary
Numeral Elementary
재미있다Adjective Elementary
마음Common Noun Elementary
가끔General Adverb Elementary
어둡다Adjective Elementary
부분Common Noun Elementary
희망Common Noun Elementary
분위기Common Noun Elementary
계속General Adverb Elementary
주다Verb Elementary
오래General Adverb Elementary
그런Determiner Elementary
감정Common Noun Intermediate
닿다Verb Intermediate
사건Common Noun Intermediate
그렇지Interjection Intermediate
Dependent Noun Intermediate
감동Common Noun Intermediate
없이General Adverb Intermediate
현실Common Noun Intermediate
독특하다Adjective Intermediate
주인공Common Noun Intermediate
완전Common Noun Intermediate
매력Common Noun Intermediate
근데Conjunctive Adverb Intermediate
되게General Adverb Intermediate
나아지다Verb Intermediate
동화Common Noun Intermediate
그래도Conjunctive Adverb Intermediate
General Adverb Intermediate
지수: Jisoo 요즘 these days 봤던 watched 드라마 drama 중에 among 뭐가 what 제일 most 기억에 in memory 남아? remains
Jisoo: Among the dramas you've watched recently, which one remains most memorable?
태민: Taemin 나는 I 나의 my 아저씨가 Mister 진짜 really 좋았어. was good
Taemin: I really liked 'My Mister'.
감정이 emotions 너무 too 깊게 deeply 와닿더라고. resonated
The emotions touched me so deeply.
너는? you
How about you?
지수: Jisoo 나도 I also 나의 my 아저씨 Mister 좋아해. like
Jisoo: I also like 'My Mister'.
big 사건도 event 없는데, there isn't 사람들 people 이야기가 stories 너무 too 진짜 real 같고, seems 그래서 so more 감동적이었어. was touching
Even though there's no big event, the people's stories seem so real, so it was more touching.
태민: Taemin 맞아. right
Taemin: That's right.
다들 everyone 힘들게 difficultly 사는데, live 서로 each other 도와주고 help and 이해하면서 understanding 조금씩 little by little 변해가는 changing thing 너무 very 좋았어. was good
While everyone lives with difficulty, I really liked how they help each other, understand each other, and gradually change.
뭔가 somewhat 따뜻한 warm 느낌이랄까. feeling I'd say
It's kind of a warm feeling, you might say.
지수: Jisoo 그치, right those two 사람 people all 상처가 wounds 많았는데, had many but 그냥 just 옆에 beside 있어 being 주는 giving 것만으로도 even just by 힘이 strength 되는 becoming thing 보여서 was seen so 좋았어. was good
Jisoo: Right, both of those people had many wounds, but it was good to see that just being by their side was enough to give them strength.
태민: Taemin 응, yes words 없이도 even without 서로 each other 힘이 strength 되어 becoming 주는 giving thing 진짜 really 감동이었지. was touching
Taemin: Yes, it was really touching that they could be a source of strength for each other even without words.
그래서 so more 현실적으로 realistically 느껴졌어. felt
So it felt more realistic.
지수: Jisoo 그리고 and 사이코지만 psycho but 괜찮아 okay 봤어? did you watch
Jisoo: And have you watched 'It's Okay to Not Be Okay'?
태민: Taemin 봤지! watched
Taemin: I watched it!
that 드라마는 drama 진짜 really 독특했어. was unique
That drama was really unique.
특히 especially 여자 female 주인공이 main character 완전 completely 다른 different 매력이 charm 있었잖아. existed
Especially the female lead had a completely different charm, you know.
지수: Jisoo 맞아, right 성격이랑 personality and 행동이 behavior 보통 usual 드라마 drama 주인공이랑 main character from a bit 다르더라. was different
Jisoo: Right, her personality and behavior were a bit different from usual drama main characters.
근데 but 그게 that 되게 very 매력적이었어. was charming
But it was very attractive.
태민: Taemin 그리고 and 남자 male 주인공도 main character also truly 따뜻하고 warm and 착하잖아. is kind
Taemin: And the male lead is also really warm and kind, you know.
둘이 two 너무 too 다른데, different but 그래서 so more 재밌었던 was fun thing 같아. seems
The two of them are so different, and I think that's why it was more fun.
지수: Jisoo 맞아. right
Jisoo: That's right.
two 사람 people all 마음에 in heart 상처가 wounds 있는데, existed but 서로 each other 조금씩 little by little 나아지는 improving thing 진짜 really 감동이었어. was touching
Both of them were emotionally hurt, but seeing them gradually heal each other was truly touching.
태민: Taemin 응, yes 드라마가 drama 동화 fairy tale 같은 like 느낌도 feeling also a little 있었잖아? existed
Taemin: Yes, the drama had a bit of a fairy tale-like feeling too, didn't it?
가끔 sometimes 어두운 dark 부분도 parts also 있지만, existed but 그래도 nevertheless 희망적인 hopeful 부분이 parts 있어서 existed so 좋았어. was good
Although there were some dark parts at times, I still liked that there were hopeful parts.
지수: Jisoo 맞아! right
Jisoo: That's right!
분위기도 mood also really 따뜻해서 was warm so 계속 continuously 보고 seeing 싶어지더라. became wanting
The atmosphere was so heartwarming that I found myself wanting to keep watching.
태민: Taemin 나의 my 아저씨는 Mister 현실적이고 realistic and 감동을 impression 주는 giving 드라마고, drama is and 사이코지만 psycho but 괜찮아는 okay 독특하고 unique and 따뜻한 warm 느낌이 feeling 있는 existing 드라마인 drama thing 같아. seems
Taemin: I think 'My Mister' is a realistic and touching drama, while 'It's Okay to Not Be Okay' is a drama with a unique and warm feeling.
지수: Jisoo exactly 그거야! that's it
Jisoo: That's exactly it!
two all 다르지만, are different but 사람 people 마음에 in heart 오래 for a long time 남는 remaining 그런 like that 드라마지. dramas are
Both are different, but they're the kind of dramas that remain in people's hearts for a long time.
Exploring K-Drama Favorites
Korean Story Lab
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