3488 words
17 minutes
Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?
Vocabulary List
옛날Common Noun Elementary
Determiner Elementary
노인Common Noun Elementary
있다Adjective Elementary
어느Determiner Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
Pronoun Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
마을Common Noun Elementary
사람Common Noun Elementary
크다Adjective Elementary
이다Copula Elementary
하다Verb Suffix Elementary
그러나Conjunctive Adverb Elementary
좋다Adjective Elementary
Dependent Noun Elementary
나쁘다Adjective Elementary
대답Common Noun Elementary
Determiner Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
Determiner Elementary
돌아오다Verb Elementary
마리Dependent Noun Elementary
다른Determiner Elementary
오다Verb Elementary
이번Common Noun Elementary
하지만Conjunctive Adverb Elementary
다시General Adverb Elementary
아들Common Noun Elementary
떨어지다Verb Elementary
다리Common Noun Elementary
다치다Verb Elementary
얼마Common Noun Elementary
지나다Verb Elementary
일어나다Verb Elementary
가다Verb Elementary
도망가다Verb Intermediate
불행Common Noun Intermediate
단지General Adverb Intermediate
데리다Verb Intermediate
행운Common Noun Intermediate
다루다Verb Intermediate
여전히General Adverb Intermediate
않다Auxiliary Verb Intermediate
전쟁Common Noun Intermediate
젊은이Common Noun Intermediate
군대Common Noun Intermediate
부러지다Verb Intermediate
옛날에 once upon a time one 노인이 old man 있었습니다. there was
Once upon a time, there was an old man.
어느 one day 그의 his 말이 horse 도망갔습니다. ran away
One day, his horse ran away.
마을 village 사람들은 people 그에게 to him great 불행이라고 misfortune is 말했습니다. said
The villagers said to him it was a great misfortune.
그러나 however 노인은 old man 단지 just “좋을 good 수도 way too 있고, exists 나쁠 bad 수도 way too 있습니다”라고 exists 대답했습니다. answered
However, the old man just answered, “It could be good, or it could be bad.”
several months later the 말이 horse 돌아왔고, returned and a few 마리의 of 다른 other 말도 horses too 데리고 brought and 왔습니다. came
A few months later, the horse returned, bringing a few other horses.
마을 village 사람들은 people 이번에는 this time great 행운이라고 fortune is 말했습니다. said
The villagers said this time it was a great fortune.
하지만 but 노인은 old man 다시 again “좋을 good 수도 way too 있고, exists 나쁠 bad 수도 way too 있습니다”라고 exists 대답했습니다. answered
But the old man again answered, “It could be good, or it could be bad.”
그의 his 아들이 son that 말을 horse 다루려다 handling 떨어져서 fell so 다리를 leg 다쳤습니다. injured
His son fell while handling the horse and injured his leg.
마을 village 사람들은 people 이번에는 this time great 불행이라고 misfortune is 말했습니다. said
The villagers said this time it was a great misfortune.
그러나 however 노인은 old man 여전히 still “좋을 good 수도 way too 있고, exists 나쁠 bad 수도 way too 있습니다”라고 exists 대답했습니다. answered
However, the old man still answered, “It could be good, or it could be bad.”
얼마 some 지나지 pass 않아 didn't 전쟁이 war 일어났고, broke out and 젊은이들이 young men 군대로 to the army 갔습니다. went
Not long after, war broke out, and the young men went to the army.
노인의 old man's 아들은 son 다리가 leg 부러져 was broken so 군대로 to the army 가지 go 않았습니다. didn't
The old man's son did not go to the army because he broke his leg.
마을 village 사람들은 people 이번에는 this time great 행운이라고 fortune is 말했습니다. said
The villagers said this time it was a great fortune.
그러나 however 노인은 old man 여전히 still “좋을 good 수도 way too 있고, exists 나쁠 bad 수도 way too 있습니다”라고 exists 대답했습니다. answered
However, the old man still answered, “It could be good, or it could be bad.”
Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?
Korean Story Lab
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