6621 words
33 minutes
Alice and the Cheshire Cat
Vocabulary List
여기Pronoun Elementary
어느Determiner Elementary
Dependent Noun Elementary
가다Verb Elementary
하다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
말씀Common Noun Elementary
하다Verb Suffix Elementary
주다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
그거Pronoun Elementary
Pronoun Elementary
어디Pronoun Elementary
달리다Verb Elementary
있다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
고양이Common Noun Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
이다Copula Elementary
그럼Conjunctive Adverb Elementary
없다Adjective Elementary
하다Verb Elementary
되다Verb Elementary
Interjection Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
있다Verb Elementary
Dependent Noun Elementary
오래General Adverb Elementary
걷다Verb Elementary
Determiner Elementary
Dependent Noun Elementary
느끼다Verb Elementary
다른Determiner Elementary
질문Common Noun Elementary
보다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
어떤Determiner Elementary
사람Common Noun Elementary
살다Verb Elementary
저쪽Pronoun Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
흔들다Verb Elementary
모자Common Noun Elementary
그리고Conjunctive Adverb Elementary
Dependent Noun Elementary
토끼Common Noun Elementary
원하다Verb Elementary
Numeral Elementary
General Adverb Elementary
하지만Conjunctive Adverb Elementary
Pronoun Elementary
사이Common Noun Elementary
우리Pronoun Elementary
모두General Adverb Elementary
Pronoun Elementary
어떻다Adjective Elementary
알다Verb Elementary
오다Verb Elementary
그렇다Adjective Elementary
전혀General Adverb Elementary
되다Verb Suffix Elementary
생각Common Noun Elementary
계속Common Noun Elementary
묻다Verb Elementary
자신Common Noun Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
Dependent Noun Elementary
같다Adjective Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
나다Verb Elementary
기쁘다Adjective Elementary
그런데Conjunctive Adverb Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
그래서Conjunctive Adverb Elementary
상관없다Adjective Intermediate
상관Common Noun Intermediate
덧붙이다Verb Intermediate
분명히General Adverb Intermediate
부정Common Noun Intermediate
한쪽Common Noun Intermediate
미치다Verb Intermediate
않다Auxiliary Verb Intermediate
피하다Verb Intermediate
증명Common Noun Intermediate
당신Pronoun Intermediate
일단General Adverb Intermediate
인정Common Noun Intermediate
꼬리Common Noun Intermediate
장수Common Noun Advanced
으르렁거리다Verb Advanced
앨리스: Alice “여기서 from here 어느 which 쪽으로 way 가야 must go 할지 do 말씀해 tell 주시겠어요?” would you please
Alice: “Would you please tell me which way I should go from here?”
체셔 Cheshire 고양이: Cat “그건 that 네가 you 어디로 where 가고 to go 싶은지에 want 달려 depends 있어,” is 고양이가 cat 말했다. said
Cheshire Cat: “That depends on where you want to go,” said the cat.
앨리스: Alice “어디든 anywhere 상관없어요—” there's no relation 앨리스가 Alice 말했다. said
Alice: “I don't care where—” said Alice.
체셔 Cheshire 고양이: Cat “그럼 if so 어느 which 쪽으로 way 가든 go 상관없어,” there's no relation 고양이가 cat 말했다. said
Cheshire Cat: “Then it doesn't matter which way you go,” said the cat.
앨리스: Alice “—어디든 anywhere 가기만 just going 하면 if do 돼요,” it's okay 앨리스가 Alice 덧붙였다. added
Alice: “—so long as I get somewhere,” Alice added.
체셔 Cheshire 고양이: Cat “오, oh you 분명히 surely to go 곳이 place 있을 will exist 거야,” thing is 고양이가 cat 말했다, said “오래 for a long time 걷기만 just walking 하면 if do 돼.” it's okay
Cheshire Cat: “Oh, you're sure to find a place,' said the cat, 'as long as you walk long enough.”
앨리스: Alice 앨리스는 Alice these 말을 words 부정할 to deny way 없다고 didn't exist 느껴서 felt so 다른 another 질문을 question did 보았다. tried
Alice: Feeling that she couldn't deny this, Alice asked another question.
“여기에는 here 어떤 what kind of 사람들이 people 살고 living 있나요?” are
“What kind of people live here?”
체셔 Cheshire 고양이: Cat “저쪽에는,” over there 고양이는 cat 한쪽 one side 발을 paw 흔들며, shaking “모자 hat 장수가 maker 살고 living 있어. is
Cheshire Cat: “In that direction,” waving one paw, “lives a Hatter.
그리고 and 저쪽에는,” over there 다른 another side 발을 foot 흔들며, shaking “3월 March 토끼가 Hare 살고 living 있어. is
And in that direction,” waving the other paw, “the March Hare lives.
네가 you 원하는 want 쪽으로 side go 봐. try
Go whichever way you want.
two all 미쳤으니까.” became mad
They're both mad.”
앨리스: Alice “하지만 but 저는 I 미친 crazy 사람들 people 사이에 among 가고 to go 싶지 want 않아요,” do not 앨리스가 Alice 말했다. said
Alice: “But I don't want to go among mad people,” said Alice.
체셔 Cheshire 고양이: Cat “오, oh you 그걸 that 피할 to avoid way 없어,” doesn't exist 고양이가 cat 말했다. said
Cheshire Cat: “Oh, you can't avoid that,” said the cat.
“여기 here 있는 being 우리는 we 모두 all 미쳤거든. became mad
“We're all mad here.
나도 I also 미쳤고, became mad 너도 you too 미쳤어.” became mad
I'm mad. You're mad.”
앨리스: Alice “제가 I 미쳤다는 that (I) am mad thing 어떻게 how 아세요?” do you know 앨리스가 Alice 말했다. said
Alice: “How do you know I'm mad?” said Alice.
체셔 Cheshire 고양이: Cat “너는 you 여기 here 왔으니까,” came 고양이가 cat 말했다. said
Cheshire Cat: “Because you came here,” said the cat.
“그렇지 like that 않으면 if not 여기에 here 오지 come 않았을 wouldn't have 테니까.” intention is
“Otherwise, you wouldn't have come.”
앨리스: Alice 앨리스는 Alice these 말이 words 전혀 at all 증명되지 proven 않는다고 not 생각했지만, thought but 계속해서 continued and 물었다. asked
Alice: Alice thought that this statement was not proven at all, but she continued to ask.
“그렇다면 if so 당신은 you 어떻게 how 자신이 yourself 미쳤다는 that (you) are mad thing 아세요?” do you know
“If so, how do you know that you are mad?”
체셔 Cheshire 고양이: Cat “일단,” first of all 고양이가 cat 말했다, said “개는 dog 미치지 become mad 않았어. didn't
Cheshire Cat: “To begin with,” said the cat, “a dog's not mad.
그건 that 인정하지?” concede
You agree with that, right?”
앨리스: Alice “그럴 like that thing 같아요,” seems 앨리스가 Alice 말했다. said
Alice: “I suppose so,” said Alice.
체셔 Cheshire 고양이: Cat “그렇다면,” if so 고양이는 Cat 계속했다. continued
Cheshire Cat: “If so,” the Cat continued.
“개는 dog 화가 anger 나면 if occurs 으르렁거리고, growls 기쁘면 if happy 꼬리를 tail 흔들어. wags
“When a dog gets angry, it growls, and when it's happy, it wags its tail.
그런데 but 나는 I 기쁠 happy time 으르렁거리고, growl 화가 anger 나면 if occurs 꼬리를 tail 흔들어. wag
But I growl when I'm happy, and I wag my tail when I'm angry.
그래서 so 나는 I 미친 became mad 거야.” thing is
Therefore I'm mad.”
Alice and the Cheshire Cat
Korean Story Lab
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