1480 words
7 minutes
A Little Fable
Vocabulary List
Interjection Elementary
이렇다Adjective Elementary
Dependent Noun Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
하다Verb Suffix Elementary
세상Common Noun Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
General Adverb Elementary
좁다Adjective Elementary
있다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
처음Common Noun Elementary
너무General Adverb Elementary
넓다Adjective Elementary
계속General Adverb Elementary
달리다Verb Elementary
하다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
오른쪽Common Noun Elementary
왼쪽Common Noun Elementary
멀리General Adverb Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
보이다Verb Elementary
시작Common Noun Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
기쁘다Adjective Elementary
하지만Conjunctive Adverb Elementary
Determiner Elementary
길다Adjective Elementary
빨리General Adverb Elementary
가깝다Adjective Elementary
지다Auxiliary Verb Elementary
이제Common Noun Elementary
마지막Common Noun Elementary
Common Noun Elementary
있다Verb Elementary
저기Pronoun Elementary
Pronoun Elementary
방향Common Noun Elementary
바꾸다Verb Elementary
되다Verb Elementary
고양이Common Noun Elementary
Common Noun Intermediate
두렵다Adjective Intermediate
Conjunctive Particle Intermediate
구석Common Noun Intermediate
달려가다Verb Intermediate
잡아먹다Verb Intermediate
Common Noun Advanced
“아, ah 이럴 like this 수가,” way 쥐가 mouse 말했다. said
“Ah, how could this be,” the mouse said.
“세상이 world 날마다 every day more 좁아지고 getting narrow 있어. is
“The world is getting narrower every day.
처음에는 at first 너무 too 넓어서 wide so 두려웠고, was afraid 계속 kept 달리기만 just running 했어. did
At the beginning it was so big that I was afraid, and I kept running and running.
오른쪽과 on the right and 왼쪽 left 멀리서 from afar 벽이 walls 보이기 seeing 시작했을 began time 기뻤어. was glad
I was glad when I saw walls far away to the right and left.
하지만 but these long 벽들이 walls 너무 too 빨리 quickly 가까워져서 closed in so 이제는 now 마지막 last 방에 room 있고, am and 저기 over there 구석에 in the corner 내가 I 달려가는 am running 덫이 trap 있어.” is
But these long walls closed in so quickly that now I am in the last room, and over there in the corner is the trap I am running towards.”
“방향만 just direction 바꾸면 if change 돼,” it's okay 고양이가 cat 말했고, said 쥐를 mouse 잡아먹었다. ate
“You only need to change your direction,” said the cat, and ate it up.
A Little Fable
Korean Story Lab
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